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Chapter 10

Both myself and Nate were at a mutual agreement that we didn't want to end the night just yet. Nate drove us to a dessert place that he said was mainly private and that we wouldn't be interrupted there.

Nate held open the door for me as we walked in. I was also very aware of how fancy we looked coming to a dessert place like this.

"what would you like" Nate asked me as he stood next to me looking over the menu. I turned to face him. "surprise me" I said.

He smiled down at me, his hand playing my ponytail. "if I am surprising you should I be aware of any allergies"

Good idea can't imagine any of want our night to end like that.

"oh yeah almonds, I'm allergic to most nuts actually" I told him. I used to think my parents just that so I wouldn't eat peanut butter, but I actually am severely allergic.

Nate leant towards the women and whispered our orders so that I wouldn't hear. I found the gesture all too cute.

I walked over to the sofas that were in the corner. The neon lights lit up the table and added a real nice ambience.

Nate returned with two bowls of desserts. I grabbed the one he placed nearest to me only for it to be snatched back.

"what!" I exclaimed my eyes widening at his. He shook his head. "it's still a surprise, close your eyes and you're going to guess what it is" he says with that cheeky grin of his.

I sighed with annoyance. This was going to take all too long and I was hungry.

Reluctantly I closed my eyes.

After a few seconds of me awkwardly opening my mouth and getting no dessert I peeked with one eye. Finding Nate staring intently at me. "what's taking so long" I complained to which he smirked at me.

"I was just examining the entrance" he said but finally he brought the spoon to my lips. The minute the ice cream touched my lips I wrapped my lips around the spoon.

I patted my lips together as I was registering what the flavours were. "I taste Oreo for sure, and white chocolate with..." I was trying to figure out what that last flavour was. It was definitely some fruit.

"raspberry" I said proudly as I opened my eyes again. I knew that I was right.

Nate nodded his head. "impressive Amore, you must really know your ice cream" I sat back proudly, what can I say, I love dessert.

"okay Nate your turn so close your eyes" I turned to the lady behind the counter.

"can you bring us a special ice cream, your choice" I said to her. She raised her thumbs up at me.

Nate sat back watching me. "you think I'll lose hmm" well I am hoping.

The lady soon walked over to us and placed the ice cream in front of me. She whispered the flavours in my ear before wishing us luck and disappearing.

"close your eyes" I said excitedly. Nate finally did and leant forward placing his chin on his hands.

I slowly and carefully brought the spoon to his lips. "wider Nate" I whispered. Only now did I realise how intimate this actually was, but I had my mothers voice in the back of my head telling me to have fun for once.

So that's what I did. I grazed the spoon across his lips letting the ice cream coat his lips. He froze for a second but quickly wrapped his lips around the spoon tugging on it. I was slightly taken back by how aggressive he was.

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