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Chapter 14

I ripped my hood off and stormed to Tammy's room where I was sure that I would find her and George. It was only 9 in the morning and I had just finished a class at the gym when I received the email.

It's been about a week since I stormed out of Nate's car, I admit it was a little dramatic but frankly he is not my first concern right now. This morning I was emailed by an editors assistant who wants to publish my book? What book you may I ask, well I would like to know that answer too.

I asked Hannah to find out what book she was speaking about and 10 minutes later she came to me with an online book which was a collection of my blogs that I wrote in College. The only person I can imagine being responsible for this was George.

I knocked on her door before opening the door. At this point, I didn't care if they were naked I needed answers.

"Loretta!!" George shouted as he pulled the sheets over his body. Tammy grabbed a cushion and put it over her chest and blushed bright red.

" Don't fucking shout at me you little shit, what the fuck is this" I threw my phone at George, pleased with how it knocked his hard in the chest, I hope it leaves a bruise.

He rolled his eyes and picked up my phone. I crossed my arms and stared at him as he realised that I now knew.

" Woah Loretta, that's a lot of reads why are you yelling at me shouldn't you be happy," He says widening his eyes. Tammy grabbed my phone and looked for herself.

" happy? You hid this from me, when were you going to even tell me George" I said, annoyed.

I wouldn't say I am a perfectionist but I would've liked to properly read over something that would be published like that. He even forged my signature when publishing it, surely I could take him to court for that. Not like I would but it is an option. A worthy punishment.

" It was a surprise, Loretta, you can't possibly that mad at me," He says sitting up.

I pressed my finger to my head. " George I wrote this when I was in college, before university and it's terrible. You should have come to me first" I said.

George's excited eyes changed into one of regret. Tammy had gotten out of the bed and started to pull on clothes, she even threw George a t-shirt and shorts.

" I know I should've but you would never let it happen, Loretta, we all know that," George says pulling on the shorts Tammy gave him.

" Well you never gave me the chance George," I said annoyed.

Tammy slowly made her way over to us. " you're kind of being ungrateful Loretta, is it a sin for your friends to want to do something nice for you" she said staring at me, with her arms crossed. Even George was surprised by her words.

" Hold on, that's not what's going on here. Loretta hang on a minute" George said reaching out for me.

I wasn't mad at her, she was somewhat right I just needed some fucking water down me or at least some fresh air out of this sex-filled room I'm standing in.

I walked out of the room and headed down for the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and saw a bottle of water slotted on the side. I twisted the cap off and took one big gulp as I heard George going off at Tammy for saying what she did.

" George please stop, Tammy is right I was being ungrateful and I'm sorry I just don't really know what I am doing right now," I said calmly letting him know I wasn't mad. Why would I be?

George looked over at me. " You don't have to know exactly what you're doing Loretta, just be open to new things and new changes in your life please, we all want what's best for you," He says pulling my arm towards him so that he could wrap his arms around me.

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