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this chapter goes to just_descendants  I would suggest checking out her page, she has amazing books there waiting to be read 😊
  The night sky fell over the diner as Evie closed shop, the diner originally would close around nine to ten—depending on who would take over time—but Evie had an interview at ten with some fashion company. Even though Mal told her she would run the restaurant until then Evie was still too stubborn to allow it and offered her the night off.
  Sometimes it was a curse to have your best friend in the whole wide world as your boss.
  As Mal began to wash dirty plates and other things she heard, as much as she saw, a nice car drive into the parking lot. Curious, Mal turned the sink water off and grabbed her apron she then tied over her white uniform. After grabbing a pen and paper from the counter, she carefully unlocked the doors trying not to make a sound. As the person drew nearer she tried her best to make it as if she was working and not waiting for them.
  Soon enough the figure had walked in and took a seat at the bar, the last seat on the left. Mal checked her hair, making sure the braid was still put together and walked to the lonely man. "What can I getcha?" Mal asked with a fake smile all workers had.
  "Anything." The man spoke in a saddened voice.
  "Bad night?" Mal asked him.
  "Definitely." The man answered. "I won't bore you the details,"
  Mal leaned over the counter with her arms crossed. "I have till ten, which leaves you, my only customer, for about an hour."
  He chuckled. "I'll have water then. Don't want to waste my free therapy right?"
  "Yeah yeah, 'free'." Mal joked as she turned. Walking in from the front to the back to get the cup, Mal yelled to him, "So what's going on?"
  She heard him sigh as she walked back in with a cup. "Just my dad," Mal stood by a drink dispenser and listened to his tail. "I never make any decisions in my life, not even who I marry, weird right."
  "You're getting married?" She asked.
  "Oh no, well not by my choice. I couldn't find anyone to marry before I was twenty and my parents were annoyed by that I guess."
  Mal set the drink down with a paper straw. "I'm twenty and haven't dated anyone joins the club." Mal teased. "Hey, I have all night, we can go hit the town when my shifts are done. Celebrate your 'last night of freedom' right?"
  The man smiled with a small laugh. "Ben. Ben Kingston." Ben said extending his hand.
  Mal took it. "Mal, and just Mal."
  "Okay, then just Mal where are we off to?" He asked as he took a sip. "And are you sure, you're a very fine young woman and I'm sure there are men just waiting to greet you after this."
  Now it was Mal's turn to laugh. "Oh no, I'm strictly business so don't try anything buster."
  Ben rose his hands in his defense. "I'd never!"
  With a laugh, Mal looked around the diner. No one normally came in at night, it was more of a day business actually, so nothing was stopping her from leaving. The two exchanged small talk as Ben finished his drink. Mal took his cup to the back once he had finished and snuck to the call room to change. She changed into a black skirt and a purple long-sleeved top. Soon, once she'd finished getting ready, she walked to the front with the keys on her finger. She bit her lip concealing a laugh when she saw Ben had light dust of blush to his face.
You're a funny little boy, and a cute one, Mal thought to herself.
"Ready to go?" Mal asked him.
  "Y-yeah, are you?" Ben stammered catching her gaze.
  "Of course," Mal answered.
  After a long debate, Mal eventually excepted his offer to drive her to all the places the two would visit. Another long debate sneaked it's way into their conversation once more when Ben had asked Mal to chose where but she didn't oblige to this at first until she saw the old, abandoned, theatre as he drove.
  Opening the doors dust flew into their faces but Mal noticed a few light switches. Turning them on it was almost like magic, or something you'd see in a film when two or one characters open a new store or something, but she loved it. Immediately Mal took Ben's hand and guided him up to the stage. Which was surprisingly still put together very well. "Isn't it beautiful?" Mal asked him taking a spin.
  "Definitely. If only it had singers," he sighed dramatically as his fingers skimmed the old broken sofa. "Isn't that right, Señorita?" He asked sitting down.
  "Singers?" Mal tapped her chin.
  "I love it when you call me señorita" Mal begins to sing. "I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya But every touch is ooh la la la It's true, la la la Ooh, I should be running Ooh, you keep me coming for ya"
  "Land in Miami" Ben joined with her rising from the couch. "The air was hot from summer rain Sweat dripping off me Before I even knew her name, la la la It felt like ooh la la la Yeah, no Sapphire moonlight We danced for hours in the sand Tequila sunrise" Ben held her by her hips making her laugh. "Her body fit right in my hands, la la la It felt like ooh la la la, yeah" he sang close to her ear, his hot breath hitting her skin sending shivers through her body.
  Mal escaped his embrace but kept his hand in hers. "I love it when you call me señorita I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya But every touch is ooh la la la It's true, la la la Ooh, I should be running Ooh, you know I love it when you call me señorita" the two young adults sang as they playfully slow danced. "I wish it wasn't so dang hard to leave ya But every touch is ooh la la la It's true, la la la Ooh, I should be running Ooh, you keep me coming for ya"
  "Locked in the hotel" she sang pushing him on the couch. "There are just some things that never change You say we're just friends But friends don't know the way you taste," she playfully pecked at his lips, not quite kissing him. "la la la 'Cause you know it's been a long time coming Don't you let me fall, oh" she sang and leaned over him.
  "Ooh, when your lips undress me" The two sang, Ben held her waist gently as she leaned over him. "Hooked on your tongue Ooh love, your kiss is deadly Don't stop I love it when you call me señorita I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya But every touch is ooh la la la It's true, la la la Ooh, I should be running Ooh, you know I love it when you call me señorita I wish it wasn't so dang hard to leave ya But every touch is ooh la laIt's true, la la la Ooh, I should be running Ooh, you keep me coming for ya All along I've been coming for ya And I hope it meant something to ya Call my name, I'll be coming for ya Coming for ya, coming for ya, coming for ya For ya (oh, she loves it when I come) For ya" the two sang and Mal gently sat on his lap. "Ooh, I should be running Ooh, you keep me coming for ya"
  The two finished. Mal smiled back at him before kissing him. She couldn't explain it, but the moment just fell right. "Bit close for strangers, huh?" Ben asked her separating.
"Last night of freedom, enjoy it right?" Ben tightened his grip on her so she didn't fall. "A little desperate?"
The twos faces were close, extremely close. Ben took this chance and kissed, sending sparks flying. Mal kissed him back just as passionately, yet the kiss was slow and loving. She knew she had just meant this man but, here comes the Evie part of her, she believed they were meant to meet. She didn't know why though, nor could she explain why.

hello whomever this applies to but thank you for reading. I apologize if this isn't too good, I haven't written one of these chapters in a year—maybe—I believe. but I hope whoever is reading this, enjoys how I wrote the story. 
now that that's over, don't forget to leave a vote and comment see you in the next one!

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