a line without a hook

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  He watched silently as the Princess passed by with guards on each of her sides. His crystal throbbed in his bag's pocket, the heat grew hotter and hotter as she walked closer to him. Just as the rock had reached its hottest she turned the corner sending a cold sensation through his skin. He shivered, his whole body shaking.
  "You've gotta do it." Ben's friends whispered to him.
  "What?! Are you crazy?" Ben whispered harshly as he continued to clean the windows. "She's the Princess, there is no way she'll meet with me."
  "But she has to or else that rock will keep doing it's heat..ice thing." Jay responded hitting Ben's bag. "Plus she already knows right? She has to."
  "Stop saying 'has to' she doesn't have to do anything."
  "Whatever, Ben."
  Once his shift ended at the windows, he couldn't help but wonder if Jay was maybe right about this all. She did have to know, her rock would tell her. He felt the magic orb grow warm again as he neared the garden like it did every time he came near the darn place.
  "Looking for something?" A feminine voice asked.
  He shot his gaze towards the voice to see the Princess dressed in a black night dress. "Princess," he bowed.
  "No need," She told him.
  "Oh no I must."
  "No, uhm you can't." She took a deep breath as she sat down on a bench. "Please sit with me."
  Confused, Ben nodded. "Is something wrong?"
  "No actually the opposite." The Princess chuckled nervously. "You see, every time I'm near you my rock glows." She opened her fist. "I think we're soulmates."

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