honey honey

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Hello, my fellow descenders'! How are you guys doing on this evening? Marching band has began 🥳
  I tried something different in this chapter compared to my usual song shot chapters.  Since sometimes I can't find a way to fit a song I really want to write about into the story as a actual song, I've decided to write based off the song.
Please leave a comment or a vote (whatever floats ya boat) just saying if you enjoy this new style or not. Either way, I'll still use the stories where the song is sang by the characters it just may not be as common as the chapters like this one here.
But with that out of the way let's get back to the story!
⚠️ there's a mildly spicy scene⚠️
"Good morning beautiful." Ben grinned with his signature cheeky grin as he fell into step behind Mal.
She gave him a glance before her dark emerald eyes returned to the tablet's screen. She didn't answer him so Ben suspected something was up with the young villain kid, thus—as anyone would do—the curious Prince peered over her shoulder and tried to catch a look at the tablet. "Boundaries exist, Ben." She snapped quickly moving the device close to her chest.
"Oh come on! What's so important you can't respond to my greeting?" He questioned her like a child. "You aren't going on a mission to another Kingdom, are you! I just got you back ya know? You can't do that to a guy Malibu."
"And I'm not the lightening mouth." Mal teased him with a sly smile. She then took a few more steps forward (what he knew to be) to the storage closet of the school, turning back to face him, the pad was now being held against her chest and her thumbs lining out the sides. "I'm checking off things for the party thing here, Evie couldn't finish dresses and this on her own," Mal explained shyly to her boyfriend. "Not exactly my area so I tried to keep focus."
"You're impossible to please sometimes. I give you an answer and you don't accept it." And with that, she began her stride once more into the room.
Ben smirked to himself and followed after her. "Wanna test that?" He asked snatching away her tablet.
Mal glared at him now leaning against the shelves filled with supplies. "You're cute for a dead man."
  "So you think I'm cute?" He asked pulling her closer by her waist.
  Mal laughed, leaning her head back. "Maybe I do." she lifted her head and their eyes met.
"Oh I'm sure," his voice was a low rumble, completely different from his usually higher pitch voice. He dipped his head down to capture her rosy lips with his own. She let out a small moan as his hands traced her body gently, leaving sparks on each area his fingertips scanned. But Ben wasn't stupid. He took the opportunity and quickly sweep his tongue in her mouth, gently grazing her own, pushing her so she was in-between him and the shelves. The supplies on the shelves rattled a tad from the impact of the teens but they couldn't care less. His hands migrated to cupping her face, locking her in place, as he deepened the kiss stealing her breath.
  He separates from the kiss, their hot breaths mingling, and although her mind is hazy, she comes up with a quick response. "See? Impossible."
  Ben focused on how her chest rose and fell with every breath she took. It comforted him to know she was simply breathing and in front of him, not in some random kingdom.
  He responds in the best way and pushes her tighter against the wall placing a barrage of kisses along her neck. Sometimes he was actually overjoyed to see her in her new apparel, much easier to kiss her without all the leather. But now her looser black shirts could simply be pulled further down and he'd have more room to place kisses on her soft skin.
  His hands now found her hips and his fingers dug into her soft curves while his breath is hot against her neck and she feels a tasteful tingle down her spine to her toes. His lips soon again met with hers's and she began to tug at his fitted shirt. He deepens the kiss but soon his body stiffens as he hears the rustle of a rustle behind them.
With Mal covered in front of him, Ben looks back to see Evie Grimhelde herself, her body shining in the light of the hall. "Evie, do you need something?"
"Yes, my best friend would be nice." She joked with her arms crossed.
"She's busy."
"No seriously we have preparations to get to, Benjamin. Hey maybe instead of sitting around you can help us out?"
Once again, his body stiffened. Ben knew he wouldn't have time to help out with his duties and school but he would get to see Mal more before she was shipped off to another art school right? "I'd love to anytime I can. Now can you please leave? It's kinda awkward."
The senior's blue hair shook with her head. "Trust me, I'd rather her having some time with her boyfriend because I'm a good best friend but we need to get to work or Headmistress will assign someone else for the Senior Hang. Sorry, Ben."
With a sigh, the auburn-haired man moved so his girlfriend was now visible and blushing furiously. "R-Right the supplies."
  "Uh-huh now come on! Fairy Godmother will be wanting updates any day now!"
  Mal nervously pushed passed Ben and grabbed some supplies from a box. As she walked out, he leaned against the wall of the storage closet and watched as she walked away.
  Before walking out, Ben smiled to himself and walked back to his original path, tourney practice.
  "Mal!" Lonnie exclaimed jumping from her seat. "There you are, we were worried you'd gotten stopped by FG."
  "Yeah, if mom knew we'd been messing around the past few days and not working..." Jane trailed off going deeper into thought.
  "She wasn't caught by FG but she was caught by Ben," Evie explained to her groups of friends. The girl then took Lonnie's seat at her desk. "Sweet little Mal was kissing Ben in the closet."
  Mal gasped. "Evie!"
  "You know PDA is highly prohibited by my mother. Do you want to get detention?" The nervous cheerleader asked.
  "It was one kiss!"
  "Yeah, that has put us behind schedule and almost risked detention," Lonnie mumbled to herself loud enough for Mal to hear.
  Mal took in a deep breath and flipped her long purple hair behind her shoulder. "Can we work and then tease me for having an active love life later?"
"Sure but seriously chill with the closet make-out sessions. FG won't be so far next time," Evie dragged the conversation on.
"You're just jealous 'cause my boyfriends not in some other Kingdom this week!"
Evie gasped and stood from her desk. "Excuse me! Last time I checked you constantly have left him here and-"
"Girls!" The two-colored hair woman looked towards the usually quiet Jane. "Listen, we're working even if I have to use this tape to shut you up okay?"
"Okay then."
"Sounds fine with me."
"Good, now Lonnie can you hand me the tape? We may need it,"

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