in the clouds

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  just to clarify when I say "taken to God himself" I have no intention to say that God is evil or some crap. it just simply implies how serious the situation is. if u have any questions about it tho I'll answer <3
not exactly Halloween but ya know it is what it is.
  it's fluff guys it's fluff.
  A first kiss had always been a special and holy thing to the Angels. After all, it meant you had lost a portion of your innocence and even had met your true love, but some weren't so lucky. He had allowed that black-dressed demon to steal his first kiss. Ever. If any of his folks caught a whiff of this he could be expelled from the whelm or worse- taken to God himself to sort it out. He shuddered at the near thought of his Father dragging him down the golden roads to meet the Omega on his throne.
  "Darling?" Came a feminine voice from behind.
The Angel glanced behind him to see the very demon he was thinking of. "Mal, I didn't mean to wake you."
"You didn't," Mal reassured him moving to his side. She looked out into the night sky looking almost heavenly as her purple hair flowed in her wind and her red might dress followed in the sink. She inhaled the night air and looked to him with those paralyzing eyes. "Isn't it a beautiful night my Darling?"
"Darling" nodded and tucked a hair behind her ear lovingly. "Not as beautiful as the girl in front of me."
Her cheeks were clouded with a light dust of blush and her eyes shifted from him to the concrete ground. "Now look who's being flirtatious."
"Learned from the best" he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Didn't I?"
He watched as a grin danced across her lips. "I guess you did Darling."
Her arms wrapped around him as the two shared a kiss. Although he hated the fact a demon took his first kiss he didn't mind it to be her. He just wished it was under other circumstances. The way her hands tangled in his hair and her lips put him in a trance he couldn't help falling more and more in love. He just hoped she felt the same.
As his hands lightly played with her purple locks falling down her back, his free hand kept her close to him. Protected from the world. Even if the risk of being caught was at stakes, he didn't care for once. He was happy with her.
She separated and placed her finger on his lips, tracing where the ghost of her rest. "As much as I enjoy that, shouldn't we be more secretive." Her words told him no but her actions and eyes said otherwise. Her green orbs hadn't left his lips and her free hand continued to mess with the strands of his honey hair.
"Of course, Horns." He teased as he released her from his grasp and spun her so she faced the glass door that leads back to the inside of the balcony. "Hey! Maybe we could go to the town tomorrow if you don't mind wearing a hat?"
  Tapping her chin the horned creature debated her options. "I'll take the hat." She snapped her fingers and flashed him a cute little smile.
  He punched the air and gleamed as she left him with the balcony and the stars. He felt the chill winds his skin as he watched her fade into the darkness of the rooms.
  He woke to the orange light of the morning sun and a warm presence in his arms. Her long hair strayed from her bun and now sat on the white bedsheets; shining in the morning glow. He smiled as he snuggled into the crook of her neck and holding her closer.
  "Good morning," he whispered. His hot breath hitting against her skin.
  She stretched as a small moan escaped her lips and she gripped his shirt. "Good morning Darling." She yawned snuggling just as close. He felt her eyelashes hit his skin as she closed them, hiding away her beautiful green pupils.
  A chuckle escaped his lips. "Going back to bed defeats the purpose of Good morning, Malibu."
  "Malibu" stretched a little before straddling her legs around him. "And waking a demon from their sleep is paid back in death." 
  His arms still held her to him and his fingers hadn't stopped tracing her curves. He was not only a rule breaker but now a hypocrite. Was it her influence or was it her irresistible charm?
  "Denying an Angel of their request can lead to trial too."
  "But you're warm and cozy." She whined, and for a demon, that was rare. Perhaps he had the same effect on her as she did him.
  He smiled against her neck and placed a trail of small kisses along her warm skin. A gasp left her lips and hit against his ear making him smirk. He moved from her neck and kissed her lips innocently.
  The town could wait, for now he had her and that's all that mattered.

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