heather (cover)

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  Welp this was a time to write but it's all I got so uh happy Tuesday? (that was a awkward intro)
Vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

  Mal watched as Ben walked by with another girl under his arm, wearing his blue sweater. It had only been a month since their friendship was intersected and Mal had yet to still get over it. It seemed everywhere she turned she'd see he and Eliza Heather together laughing and smiling at each other's jokes. She wished she was Eliza. Because not only was his sweater warm and much more comfortable than her own purple one, but she missed her place by his arm. She missed him.
"You shouldn't stare, it's rude." A voice spoke bringing Mal back to the present.
She was still the school's hallway with her books in her arms and the rustle of students going to their classes filled her mind. The purple-haired girl looked to her left to see her best friend dressed in the finest blue winter attiré possible.
"I wasn't staring." Mal defended herself.
"Yeah ya were. You best be glad we're locker buddies or they," she pointed towards Ben and Eliza talking by his locker with her red-colored nails. "Would've noticed you."
Mal sighed and pushed herself against her blue locker. "What do you expect me to do? Just be happy that the one guy I actually really like is happy with someone else?"
  Evie shut her locker, locked it before looking back to her friend. "Mal, Mal, Mal," She spoke as her arm wrapped around her friend's shoulders. "It's gonna hurt for a while but once you realize that if he left you he probably isn't the one."
  "I just wish he was." Mal shook off her friend's arm. "See you in chem Evie."
  As Mal walked down the hall she caught another agonizing glimpse at the new couple.

Ben sat beside Mal watching the floor of the basketball court. But when Mal followed his eyes all she could see was his gaze on Eliza Heather.
I still remember Third of December Me in your sweater You said it looked better On me, than it did you
  Mal looked away and covered her face. He likes her, not you. All those years she lied to him and said she had no feelings were for nothing. They didn't anyways.
  Only if you knew How much I liked you
But I watch your eyes, as she Walks by What a sight for Sore eyes Brighter than a Blue sky She's got you Mesmerized While I die Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half, as pretty You gave her your sweater It's just polyester, but you like her better Wish I were Heather
Another time, Eliza Heather held Ben's hand as the two crossed the street. Mal sat in a coffee shop working the night shift. The two walked through the door, the bell annoying the worker even more. Laughing and smiling they walked to the front in deep conversation.
  Watch as she stands with Her holding your hand
'I'm cold' she mouthed. Ben responded by wrapping his arm around her. Mal's heart shattered.
  Put your arm 'round her shoulder Now I'm getting colder But how could I hate her? She's such an angel But then again, kinda Wish she were dead, as she Walks by What a sight for
Sore eyes Brighter than a Blue sky
While Eliza ordered at the front, Mal noticed how Ben's eyes didn't leave her.
  She's got you Mesmerized While I die....
"Why would you ever kiss me?" Mal sang to herself slowing down. "I'm not even half, as pretty You gave her your sweater It's just polyester, but you like her better Wish I were Heather  Watch as she stands with Her holding your hand Put your arm 'round her shoulder"
  She felt goosebumps rise on her skin. She sighed. "Now I'm getting colder But how could I hate her? She's such an angel But then again, kinda Wish she were dead, as she Walks by What a sight for Sore eyes Brighter than a
Blue sky She's got you Mesmerized While I die
Why would you ever kiss me?"
  The purple-haired girl continued to walk down her school's halls. "I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave her your sweater It's just polyester, but you like her better I wish I were Heather Wish I were Heather Wish I were Heather"
  Taking a turn, she met with the trophy case filled with photos of the teams and him.
  "Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty" her fingers lightly grazed the glass covering. "You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better Wish I were.."
  A warm tear fell down her cheek as she backed away from the photos. She heard footsteps draw near her making her jump in her sweater and look to her left to see none other than the boy she'd been crying over. She looked down, embarrassed, and wiped the tears forming in her crystal green eyes.
  "Hey, Ben." Her voice was low and quiet.
  "Were you crying?" He asked.
  "N-No. I'm severely allergic to pollen you know that."
  "Mal it's winter. Pollen isn't bad."
  She could feel his shadow fall over her and his smell of flowers and honey fill her nostrils. "I wouldn't lie to you, would I?" Mal looked up at him to see over his shoulder the very girl she didn't wanna see. "So you and Eliza, how's that going?"
  Ben's hands rested in his jeans pockets. "Mal that isn't what I asked. I asked about you."
  "Fine." Even if she didn't want him to know she liked (loved) him, she hated to lie to him. "I was but it's nothing bad, everyone cries."
  Ben placed his hand on her cheek, gently wiping her tears. "Evie was right, wasn't she? You like me but didn't say anything? You encouraged me to try to date Eliza even though you knew it'd hurt you,"
  Mal was taken aback. Evie told him!? They were so talking about this later.
  "It doesn't matter. You're happy with her and that's all I care about, Ben."
  "Well maybe if you took for a second and thought maybe I liked you too. Maybe I wanted to be with you instead," Ben inhaled. "Mal I love you. And I hate you for it."
She was shocked. He loved her? And hated her for it?
"W-What do your mean?"
"I love you in the way I'd stand outside your window holding a radio playing the sappy love songs you love, but you were my best friend and I didn't wanna lose you. And when I met Eliza I thought maybe..."
"I'd get over you by liking her, but I never could get myself to like you. But when I told her she understood and has even been helping me to somehow get your attention." He nervously chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. "Guess we all make mistakes huh?"
Mal responded by jumping into his arms. She took in his scent and felt his strong arms wrap around her. He liked her, he liked her a lot. The only way she could describe them was in four words...
"We're idiots in love."

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