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hello loves! I'll be leading my small group every Tuesday so updates will still be on this day probably just not as often 😰
(i could only find the song that I wanted in this video above—I personally love Star Wars so it's doesn't bother me this is still a descendants book!)
  But anyway, I really hope you enjoy this short little chapter. I wrote this in a quick amount of time but it should still work out hopefully. Anyways tell me how you liked it!
The evening sky crept in through the opening of his white curtains, but he didn't even notice. Ever since earlier this morning, he'd been working trying to get the whole mining dilemma over with. All the miners complain about not getting paid enough or how hard the conditions are thus he'd have to work overtime and fill out papers among papers of complaints.
"Hey, Ben?" Ben looked up to see his fiancée shyly walking into the study. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to start a movie, it's raining outside so it's a perfect movie night right?"
Ben exhaled and looked to her leaning back in his chair. "Can't you tell I'm busy?"
  "Well yeah, but you were just working so much I thought you could use a break."
  "I don't need a break I need to finish and you being here is making that close to impossible. So if you could please just leave me alone that's the best thing you've done all week." he noticed her facial expression change. Her eyes glistened with tears and her lip quivered. "Mal please don't-"
  "No don't worry. Of course, I'll see you later Ben."

  She left as soon as she arrived leaving Ben with his head now in his hands and angry at himself for rejecting her. He knew her intentions were innocent—after all, all she wanted was to be with her lover—but the timing could have been better. The young King knew how he treated her at the moment wasn't right in his defense he was stressed, anxious, and in the heat of the moment.
  Rejecting her love, rejecting her all week was wrong. Ben had hurt her something he swore he'd never do. But he did.
  He hurt the woman he loved.
  "And I've lost who I am, and I can't understand Why my heart is so broken, rejecting your love Without, love gone wrong, lifeless words carry on" he sang to himself.
  "But I know, all I know, is that the end's beginning Who I am from the start, take me home to my heart" The man stood from his chair and looked out the window.
  "Let me go and I will run, I will not be silent
All this time spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain All is lost, hope remains, and this war's not over There's a light, there's the sun, taking all shattered ones" he sang looking to the door.
(The music continues but he is walking out of the room, he isn't exactly singing the words but the words carry on)
  "To the place we belong, and his love will conquer all And I've lost who I am, and I can't understand Why my heart is so broken, rejecting your love Without, love gone wrong, lifeless words carry on But I know, all I know, is that the end's beginning Who I am from the start, take me home to my heart" he ran down the halls.
  He needed his Mal.
  "Let me go and I will run, I will not be silent
All this time spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain All is lost, hope remains, and this war's not over There's a light, there's the sun, taking all shattered ones" he looked in down the hall to see their bedroom's light.
  Ben ran to the door.
  "To the place we belong, and his love will conquer all" Opening the door he saw his wife, sad and sitting at the coffee table like setup in their room with a small whimper.
  "Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding"
  Ben kneeled beside her. She looked at him with saddened eyes. "Fall into your sunlight" he sang to her.
  "What are you doing here?" She asked wiping her tears from her eyes. "I thought had to finish your important bills."
  "The only thing important to me right now," Ben took her hands in his. "Is you. And I lost sight of that, I took you for granted. Mal I'm sorry about our fight, please just don't cry." The brown-haired man begged her.
  "Ben you don't have to apologize. I've been annoying you all week I should have left you alone."
  "No no no," The man cupped her face gently, leaving her pale hands on her lap. "That's how I took you for granted. You took care of me when I wouldn't leave my office because some dwarfs didn't like their work. It was my mistake," Ben chuckled to himself. "I probably wouldn't have survived this week without you."
  Mal took his left hand in hers, looking to his hand to afraid to make eye contact. "You're right, you wouldn't have made the week without me."
  Ben laughed. "Look, you're already smiling again." The purple-haired girl looked back at him, Ben melted at her adorable smile and those emerald eyes of her's. "That adorable smile,"
  "Of course I am. You aren't mad at me, what more to be happy about? We can now watch that movie together!" 
  "I'd like that."
  And that's exactly what they did. Mal had decided to watch some random comedy but Ben wasn't watching it so he didn't mind. Since the two cuddled together all Ben could do was enjoy it while it lasts. Take in every moment like it was the last they'd ever share. Just love her in general.
  For the first time all week, he was content with his situation. He was happy and in love.

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