me and my husband

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  She swallowed the sour taste of red wine as she dropped the glass from her cherry lips and onto the white table clothe. Her eyes wandered from her beverage and to the familiar surroundings she knew to be the Vin Rouge; the pristine and well-known bar and dine for rich people. Or rich husbands and their wives.
"Isn't this band amazing?" Anthony asked her, sitting back at the table from his walk to the washroom.
She met his blue eyes and smiled, a small forced laugh escaping her lips. "Truly. You always do pick the best places to eat." She told him taking another sip of her drink when a man caught her eye. "Who is that, Anthony?" She asked pointing with her ringed hand at a man she knew quite well who he was.
"Don't bother, that's Benjamin. He's the chef's son, a let down to be honest. I can't believe you two went to the academy together." Anthony took a bite of his salad.
She cocked an eyebrow. "Let down? What do you mean he's the top Model, isn't he? If my son was the hottest man in town I'd be proud."
"If your son came from us, Clara, he would be,"
Clara simply laughed. "If he came from us he would the best businessman. Don't know about looks though."
She earned a small chuckle from him as he dabbed his mouth with a napkin. "Always the charmer."
Although from the unknowing eye their marriage looked normal, perfect even, it was far from it. When at home he would either be sleeping or working on something ignoring his wife's please for him to take a break. Clara knew it was wrong of her to want a divorce (after all he could give her whatever she wanted) but it felt wrong to think of another man while married. But then again, when he walked into the room she felt like she wasn't so alone.

The night had carried on slowly. Anthony talking with the locals while Clara hid at a corner table writing her studies. Although you'd never imagined a college student sitting in such a joint wearing a curve-hugging black dress and perfect blonde hair, here she was. Studying for an art major instead of using this place to her advantage. She could use the locals for "extra credit", at least one had to be an art major right?
"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a corner?" Asked a familiar voice.
Her green orbs traveled up the man's body to his soft hazel eyes. "More like what are you doing here, Chef boy?"
Ben chuckled and sat in the seat beside her. "Oh nothing, Mal, I'm just here with some fancy acquaintances."
"Don't call me Mal. It's Clara." Clara corrected him.
Ben shook his head. "And your purple hair is gone now?" He asked running his fingers through her silky blonde hair. "A shame truly, it was beautiful."
Blushing, she looked back to her journal. "You haven't changed much. Still as flirty as ever."
  "Pickup lines are flirting, I'm stating a fact," Ben told her standing from his chair. "Come on, let's go somewhere less privileged."
  "Less privileged" was a term she hadn't heard in years. Since the two grew up on the poor streets of this insanely biased country, they had to make light somehow. "Just let me tell Anthony."
  "You married him?"
  "Yes, in fact, I did."
  "You don't love him."
  Clara gasped. "You don't know if I love him or not. Which I do."
  He shrugged his hands in his pockets. "Whatever." He motioned to the door. "I'll wait outside."
The night sky was lit by stars and a full moon, and a few street lamps for the people below. It had been ages since Clara had been out on the town without her heels on or her husband needing a business deal. This was the life and she knew it.
"Come on Ben!" She skipped ahead. Her black heels in her hand.
"I'm coming! Slow down!" He called back running to her.
  "Catch me if you can!" She giggled running to a secluded park. "Na-na-na boo boo!" She called sticking her tongue out.
  As her bare feet ran across the dampened green grass she inhaled the sweet scent of fresh air, spinning. The moist night dropped dew on her skin and sent shivers through her entire body. The wonders of the night had distracted and amazed her so much she hadn't realized her "foe" had caught up to her and wrapped his strong arms around her. A gasp escaped her chilled lips as she turned to see her attacker, immediately smiling.
  "I win," Ben told her as he slowly let go but kept a friendly hold.
Mal cupped his face and smiled. "For now, but maybe our next game you'll lose."
  He cocked an eyebrow playfully. "What game? A round two of the chase?"
  "No, court."
  Before he could respond, she placed her lips onto his and snaked her hands from his arms to his chest, and finally his neck. He returned the gesture by deepening their shared kiss and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. She knew it was wrong, but Anthony was Clara's husband so it cancels out. Or that's what she was telling herself. Mal knew that although she dyed her hair and changed her name to Clara, she would always be Mal Bertha.
  And that she would always love him.
  Ben separated and rested his four head against her's. "I told you so."
"You don't love him. I could tell and now my theory is proven."

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