i'll come back for u

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I hope this doesn't seem to rush but anyways enjoy! And this song just gave me the idea IDK why tho
  "Morning, Uncle Wu." Mal yawned as she placed herself at the small kitchen table. Her stomach grumbled at the sight of the perfectly cooked (and nutritious) breakfast in front of her; peanut butter and banana toast with grapes and a nice cup of tea.
"Good morning Mal! Sleep well?" Asked her 'Uncle' Wu. Uncle Wu was an elderly man who studied in the ways of the magical ways of Auradon. Ever since King Ben made a proclamation saying that pure magic was encouraged among Auradon's people with all the Magical energy around.
"I can't believe you leaving the Magical world, you've been here for so long." Uncle Wu added as he poured himself a cup of his famous Jasmine Dragon tea.
"I know." She breathed messing with her sleeves. "It's definitely going to be weird being back after three whole years."
"Nonsense! You adapt well to your surroundings. A key trait of the dragon." He pointed out sitting in front of her.
"Well yeah but-"
"No buts!" He said, then placed a warm hand on hers, and smiled softly. "You'll be amazing. And I'm sure that Ben of yours will be overjoyed to see you again."
The purple-haired girl blushed nervously at his remark. "I hope so."
As Mal walked through the busy city streets of Auradon she admired all the renovations and new buildings. There was no longer any segregation from the Isle People, the citizens were eating together. Some even married the children of the villains basing on the ring she glanced at on a women's finger walking with Anthony Tremaine. As strange as it was seeing all this progress, it was heart-warming to know that time didn't stop when she left. After all, she did love a good adventure.
"Hey! Watch where ya going!" Yelled a taxi driver honking at her.
Mal took a quick step back onto the concrete. "Sorry!" She called to him as he drove by, mumbling to himself, and probably cursing her.
That road wasn't there before. In fact, as the young adult examined the street this was all knew. There was never a hair-shop with such vibrant colors before. This must be an Isle themed street. Thus the curious girl carefully made her way to the doors of the hair shop labeled Dizzy's Do in bright pink letters.
"Woah," she whispered under her breath at the interior designs.
To the outsider's eye—to Auradon's eye—the shop looked like a herd of paint buckets threw up on everything, but to an Isle kid yearning for a taste of something familiar, it was home.
"Mal? Mal is that you!" Came a familiar voice from the back.
  Mal moved her attention to a shorter girl with beautiful long, red-ish hair, and a black apron on moving towards her. "Dizzy? Dizzy is that you!" She echoed.
  "Yeah, look at you, you look so different." She commented with a hand on her hip. She leaned forward and motion to Mal's left wrist. "Is that a tattoo?"
  Shaking her head, Mal pulled up her long black sleeve to reveal more of the 'Mark of the Dragon' she earned from her training. "It's the 'Mark of the Dragon', it's something I earned from unlocking my true potential as the next Master of Dragons." She explained. "Cool huh?"
  "That's amazing but your outfit isn't. You look like you just came from the newest action movies."
  "Action movies? But doesn't Auradon only play romance movies?"
  Dizzy cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean? The film industry stopped playing those movies every day three years ago."
  She nodded slowly taking it all in. "Well then, with that settled, mind to help me find some new clothes?"
  "I'd love to!"
  Soon enough, Mal was dressed in a black skirt that hugged her curves and a long-sleeved purple sweater. But after a long debate, Dizzy allowed her to keep her black choker necklace on her neck and her hair long.
"Wait, how did you have an outfit ready for me?" Mal asked as she spun around in the black leather chair.
"Well, Evie calculated you'd be here today since you left exactly three years ago," Dizzy explained brushing out a wig. "And speaking of, have you seen Evie's new Arena?"
"She has an arena?"
"Well yeah! It's where all her fashion shows are, but today a Mortal tournament is happening. You should totally come with us to see it."
"You sure?" The fairy questioned as she picked up her black duffle bag. "I mean, I still have my luggage and-"
"You'll be fine. Come on, it starts soon!"

If there was one thing Mal knew about her best friend, it was that she was extremely extra and that personality trait of her's shown in her building. The main ring was lifted above water by support beams and had its own elevator to get back in the ring. How did they set this all up Mal would never know. Whew, Auradon really did move on without her. How in Auradon would she find the bathroom, she was feeling a bit nauseous from the sudden change of Latitude. Her home for the last few years was in the mountains and much higher in the sky then here.
"Down the hall to the left is the bathroom. I'll meet you there once I get seats." Explained Dizzy pointed down the hall.
Mal thanked her and was off. As she walked down the hall, she felt a familiar presence. She couldn't identify it but felt calmed by the person or thing even. Her fingers held the door's handle and pushed forward to see not a bathroom but four team members with the words 'Fallen Knights' on the uniforms.
A man turned around and groaned looking at the ground. "We aren't taking any more-"
"Ben?" Mal whispered.
The exited man immediately embraced his long-awaited girlfriend in a hug, grinning. "I missed you! What took you so long to come back?"
  "I had to be the new Master of the Dragons apparently." Mal blushed as he sat her down to the level ground. "And I see you're the Master of the Fallen Knights, a mortal team..?"
  "Oh!" Ben's face turned a light red and he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. "As a way to help celebrate the culture of magic, we started a competition. Of course, the Mortals and Wizards are separated but it helps to unite us all." He explained to her.
  She was amazed by his work. He wasn't that nervous and scared little boy anymore. He'd changed into an amazing leader and even more attractive. His hair was now longer and currently messy, and he earned more muscle than before. But not that she was staring at him!
  "That's amazing. Thank you." She kissed his cheek gently before letting go of him. "I took your time long enough. I'll have to get back to you later."
  Ben nodded and watched as she walked out. Again. The last time she said that to him she got back to him three years later, he wasn't about to do that again. But, he did have to admit, she did get a glow up. She was beautiful before but now looked much more mature then when they began dating three years ago. He just hoped she'd stay long enough to watch his match finish.
  "You ready for the game?" Asked his teammate—Liza.
  Ben turned to face her. "Yeah, I am."
  "Who was that? She a family member or something?"
"No," Ben stood and smiled as he looked at the reflection in his helmet. "She's more then that."

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