love is the name

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  them having jobs seem to be a theme these days huh. this is a really long chapter in my opinion I apologize 😅
i hope you all enjoy this chapter, I've been meaning to update since i had arrived back from my summer camp but just couldn't find the right songs or words. but lucky just_descendants is an amazing help with that and constantly inspires me to write new chapters. so a huge shoutout to her and i hope you all enjoy this new chapter of "Lovestruck"!
  Ben leaned over the counter of Royal Comics messing with his ring. Closing hours would be ending soon and he had yet to see the comic he wanted, sometimes he wished he didn't study to be a writer. The Solo series had finally released the last book of the series and he couldn't wait to read it, to own the pages.
  "Looking for something?" Asked a blue-haired girl. She wore a red vest over a white shirt and black trousers covered a pair of one-inch heels.
"Yes, the Solo Series, heard of it?" Ben asked the blueberry haired girl.
"I have. Well, my friends talk about it all the time," she then lit up her eyes. "I'm Evie, are you single?"
Ben was taken aback by the question. "I am, what does that have to do with the comic?"
"My friend, she's read the series before. You guys could totally discuss the new issue!"
  "Like a blind date?"
  "I mean yeah! She hasn't dated anyone since her last boyfriend," Evie explained. "Mind to give me a pen?" She motioned to his school bag.
  Ben opened the bag's mouth and pulled a blue pen from his bag. "Here. It's old so the ink may not be good."
  It was now Evie's turn to offer something, she handed him a paper. "Won't affect me, you're writing the number after all."
Ben nodded. So far today he had completed a chapter of his first-ever book—The Plastered Face a horror and fantasyand managed to be given a girl for a blind date. What a day, right? His father would be proud.
Meanwhile, the blue-haired girl's friend sat in their shared dorm reading the second-newest issue of the Solo Series. Her friends were supposed to have already been here with the new chapter, what was taking that girl so long? Evie was always a very punctual person so what could possibly be stalling her? Wait. Mal knew exactly what was stopping her friend.
Every time Evie would see a cute Mal's type she'd try to get them together. But the purple-haired single wasn't into dating ever since her ex-boyfriend and since last semester ended. Anthony, her previous relationship. He was absolutely awful to her, wouldn't allow her to talk to other guys or even sometimes not even her best friends—Jay and Carlos, sometimes even Evie.
  "I'm back!" Evie's voice called bringing Mal's attention to the door. "And I have a surprise!"
"If it's some random boys number I don't want it," Mal told her rising from her messily made bed. "I just want the comic E."
Evie pulled the comic out of her best friend's reach. "Ah-uh-ah. This guy loves these comics too, you guys could get dinner and discuss it."
The purple-haired girl crossed her arms. "I said I didn't want to date anyone, Evie you know that!"
"You can't keep thinking every guy is like Anthony!" She defended herself. "Believe it or not some guys are kind and loving."
With a sigh, Mal sat back on her bed and looked to her friend. "Give me his number. I'll ask him about the new copy." Evie tilted her head to the side and bit her lip, something she did when she did something. "Evie what did you do!"
"About that, I may have hidden the last copy so you'd have to meet with him."
"Ugh, Evie! You can't just talk to a guy you haven't even met!"
"But—But you don't need to! Just talk to him, see how it goes then meet up for a lunch or dinner date and discuss the latest issue. Easy enough."
Mal leaned back on her bed using her elbows as support. "Fine. I'll do the date or text him, whatever you want."

  When the day arrived to meet with Ben she later learned his name was, Mal tried to look her best

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When the day arrived to meet with Ben she later learned his name was, Mal tried to look her best. The two had talked for a few weeks and Mal has developed a minor crush on him in those few days. So naturally, she was a little nervous for the date, well more than a little.
"How do I look?" The nervous college student asked her friend.
She was dressed in a strapless purple dress that had long soft sleeves covering her pale arms. Her hair was nicely done in a braided bun, soft makeup to "highlight her feature", and black flats.
"Wonderful." Her friend answered standing from her desk. "Mal, I haven't seen you this nervous or happy for a date in years."
"I guess I couldn't wait, huh?"
Meanwhile, while the two best friends finished dressing for the date, Ben sat in his garage debating on which car to take. He had a more chill and less "rich kid" car or a sports car. Which would give off the right message? "Hey yo! Ben!" Called his roommate Chad. "Who's the lucky lass?"
Ben looked to his close friend. "Oh it's not like a date it's a small session on discussing the latest Solo Series comic." The auburn hair boy countered.
"Uh-huh, then why are you dressed so nice? And debating on a car to take?" The blonde boy asked once more, questioning him like a child.
Ben blushed furiously and covered his face. "O-Okay maybe it is a date, but nothing supper official."
When both had arrived at the restaurant the two sat at a booth in the book, Mal holding a bag. She had laid them on the table and Ben used advice his father had told him, keep the girl talking so you can learn enough for a conversation to start. But he couldn't focus on the words when her piercing green eyes shined in the light as her rose lips spoke to him. But in the midst of their talking the speaker called up couples for a singing contest.
"We should do it," Mal said looking at him. "A good way to end the night right?"
"Are you sure?" Ben asked her. "It's kinda embarrassing."
"Of course I am! Come on," Mal gave him a smile he'd knew he would come to love and rose her hand. "We will!"
The speaker looked at them and sighed in relief. "Our first contestants! Come on up! The song is-" she looked at a card. "Love is The Name!"
Mal grabbed Ben's hand and dragged him to the stage. Mal had taken a mic and tapped her feet to the music, ready to sing. "We are gonna burn it up like rock stars Go Nirvana in here
We're gonna set it out, tick-tock Life is a video game And we could be in love oh, not like See, I really don't care I just wanna be right here I just wanna be right here"
Both Players
"Ah, we can rule the oceans We can rule the world We'd be the commotion, baby So we'll never regret that Life's gonna be what we be
So we'll turn the music up tonight Let the beat set you free Give everything you got and Dance all your worries away Forget yesterday, this life is a game And love is the name"
"Na na na na na Oh, love is the name Na na na na na"
Player one
"I love the way your skin feels on mine I'm diging your style The way you let me in On secrets that are already mine And we can be in love, oh, not now See, I really don't care I just wanna be right here I just wanna be right here
Ah" Ben sang grabbing Mal's hand.
Both players
"We could rule the oceans We could rule the world We'd be the commotion, baby So we'll never regret that Life's gonna be what we be
So we'll turn the music up tonight Let the beat set you free" Ben moved Mal closer to him gently. "Give everything you got and Dance all your worries away Forget yesterday, this life is a game And love is the name" the two sang their faces close. Ben thought they'd kiss, but Mal moved away.
"Na na na na na Oh, love is the name
Na na na na na This life is a game Na na na na na And love is the name Na na na na na So we'll never regret that Life's gonna be what we be" she sang alone.
"So we'll turn the music up tonight Let the beat set you free Give everything you got and
Dance all your worries away Forget yesterday, this life is a game And love is the name Na na na na na Oh, love is the name Na na na na na
And life is a game Na na na na na And love is the name" Mal sang with Ben before making eye contact with him.
"Na na na na na" she sang gently placing her hand on his cheek. "And love is the name"
Mal leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. Ben knew it was right as soon as her lips crashed into his, so he gave into the kiss.
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