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*haha intensifies*
Idea from Ninjago Jay and Nya— would suggest watching Ninjago btw
She could feel the amulet's power throbbing in her hand as she hid away from her foe. All she needed to do was keep the piece of jewelry away from him and somehow solve her predicament. But as time went by, her team was nowhere to be seen. Picked off one by one until it was just her. Vanished by the enemy's newfound powers. The clanging of metal falling to the ground forcefully brought her back to her surroundings, rudely breaking away her thoughts.
  "My little Dragon. Come out come out wherever you are." The attacker sang as he drew nearer. "Don't you wanna come out and play?"
  Yeah right, would love to walk right into your hands.
  His footsteps picked up and her breath hitched. She was careful to not make a sound.
  As the afraid women rose from the wooden crates that protected her from his line of vision she listened carefully to her surroundings. Mal didn't know how much longer she could run from him. After all, it was only a matter of time before he found her and she joined her team on his list of losers. This wasn't a good time. She shifted her leather boot, the heel kicking an old tin can.
  Wrong move.
  Suddenly the sound of his channel boots stopped and she could almost hear him smirking. "Found you."
  She wasn't going to allow him to know how truly terrified she was, he didn't deserve the satisfaction. She turned, spinning on her heel, and faced him. "I suppose you did, Benny Boo. Congrats, but now what? Gonna show me off to your little cult?" Mal mocked.
  She knew it was coming but when he aimed two fingers at her, she could tell the power was surging through his body ready to hit and kill, and she was terrified. "You have no idea, Malibu."
"Malibu" gasped and moved just in time as he shot at a crate behind her. Her hands covered her ears instinctively as a loud explosion sounding filled the echoed room and bright blue light flashed in front of hers. The remains flew by her, showing how much damage he can truly do.
  Mal took off.
  She was exhausted from running from him, but this game of cat and mouse seemed to entertain the man. As she ran from him he sent a ray of blue magic into her spine— temporally paralyzing her. As she pushed herself against the wall using her arm's strength he came closer to her, teasing and mocking her with every step he took.
  "Tell me Mal, that amulet of your's" He spoke snatching it from her now open hand. "Can it fix broken hearts?" He cackled.
  She didn't give him the satisfaction of an answer. That was all she could do against him until she could think of a plan.
  Mal watched as her enemy kneeled over her taking away the armor she had protected herself with. With him closer, she realized he didn't snap he was infected by the legendary Vangpire's bite. His tan skin was replaced by a ghostly white, his eyes a deep, dark, gleaming red, and his once red lips now purple.
  "I can fix this," She breathed to remind herself.
  Ben shifted his gaze and looked her in the eyes, sending shivers down her spine. "Is that so, Princess?" His voice was a low rumble as he lifted her chin, it vibrated in his chest as he chuckled. "Your naive."
  He held her chin in his two fingers, examining her facial features. She noticed how his eyes moved hungrily over her features, the heat of his stare burning through her skin. Fear— not for herself this time —filled her whole body as she glanced at her mother's spellbook, hidden away in behind his jacket's safe borders. As she calculated what he could possibly use it for in her mind, she realized he wasn't going to. The amulet and spellbook were too powerful for Ben's body since he hadn't been able to use magic before. He'd die if he did. He couldn't be so heartbroken and mad he'd sacrifice himself over the Vangpire's bite, would he?
  "Looks like you caught me," Mal admitted moving under his body to where she faces him. "Go on do whatever, I've lost." She smirked to herself at his furrowed brows and confusion plastered on his face.
"This better not be a trick, you'll pay..." he growled hitting the wall, his hands now at her head.
"It's not."
Two heartbeats later she found herself with her hands around his neck, her fingers drawing circles on his sensitive skin. She just had to raise his heart rate, then he'd be out of this mindset. One breath later she was kissing him.
Magic and attacks are long forgotten now, his four arms on either side of her head. Her lips explored his, as she earned a strange sound from him. A cross between a moan, a growl, and a whisper. She felt a power lite in him, chaotic but... controlled. She had felt this raw power once before she made a mess of things and they drifted apart. Something she had to tell herself she didn't miss. She could feel his power thrumming with her's, it was addicting.
More. She wanted to feel more of it. It was as if it discovered something that was always in her but was left undiscovered. In a twist of her body, she rolled them so she sitting on top of him and crushed her body weight onto him, him laying firm against the floor.
He opened his mouth to protest but she slipped her tongue in, silencing him, devouring him. She could feel his newfound magic thrum and dance across his skin connecting with her's in a synchronized rhythm. His hands gripped at her hips, she drilled into him, heat pooling in her core making no room left for logical thought. She clawed at the feeling of nostalgia when they used to be together. Chasing the familiar feeling. His power became less aggressive against hers's and a golden glow surrounded them. Separating them with a final explosion of what looked like Pixie dust.
She stared at him, the real Ben, her cheeks pinched with blush and out of breath. He stared back at her, stunned stupidly. They sat in silence as they both retraced what had just happened.
"Uhm why are you-"
"You were bit by the Vangpire and I needed to raised your heart rate." Mal quickly told him.
He rested on his elbows, his chest heaving. "Uh-huh and in order to do that you made-out with me?"
"Excuse me- I just saved Auradon and you from yourself." She defended.
"What? Couldn't have made me run?"
"Just saying."
With a hmph, Mal stood from him and offered a hand with a sarcastic smile plastered on her lips. "Come on. We have a team to save."

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