this is halloween

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It was the time of year when you didn't if the fog was overcast or the smoke from a smoke machine in someone's exotic decorations. Then when you go outdoors you feel the cool winds of Fall hit your skin and your head fills with memories of younger years where you Trick-Or-Treated with friends. Shadows are a cool orangey, black, font formed by young children and pre-teens in all kinds of costumes, wholesome or scary, discussing what there plans and traditions were on Oh Hallows Eve night. But the students of Auradon Prep didn't have time to worry about such childish things, for they had the grand Horror Fest in thirty-one days, hardly enough to plan a whole horror house but the Senior class of Auradon Prep knew they had a duty to fulfill. And that was to scare the next class to the point they'd never walk into the school again...
"Oh I can't wait!" Mal exclaimed, clinging onto her boyfriend's varsity-jacket covered arm. "I have so many ideas, murder mysteries, witches, my mom!" She squealed. "Why are you guys so down about this?"
Ben, even with a smile on his face still, expression dropped down. "That's because you are from the Isle. Here we don't exactly live next door to Maleficent or Cruella De'Vill."
"Oh come on, don't you like getting scared?" She questioned as the two seniors took a step down from the coffee shop's patio.
"No. Not at all."
With a roll of her eyes, the purple-haired young woman separated her linked arm from her man's and placed her hands on the handles of the scooter. "Sure you do, you let me drive up here all the way from school."
  "That's different, Mal you can drive a scooter pretty well."
  "Whatever." She breathed swinging her leg around the bike. "Come on, we got planning to do."
  The choir room was filled to the brim with Seniors planning and racing around to set up props. The whole school would be used as their play ground, the tourney field being the main star of the show. Mal had snuck a look at the plans and saw that Evie had planned to make it look like a crime scene. Tourney players killed by some mysterious creatures in the night after a big game. She just couldn't wait!
  "There you are!" Evie exclaimed as she made her way to the young couple. "Ben we need you to help deliver props with Jay, and Mal I need you for planning." She directed the two.
  "Sorry E, the cafe service had taken longer then usual." Mal apologized to her blue-haired friend.
  "Yeah we had no intention of running late."
  "Oh I'm sure you didn't." Evie mumbled as she grasped her friends hand, pulling her away from Ben.
"Hey!" Mal exclaimed taking her hand back and rubbing the red skin. "I can walk myself."
"Had no doubt you couldn't, just had doubt that you would."
  Before Mal could respond Evie had already given her paint and a bucket pointing her to the set pieces. The vast wooden structures took over the floor, students huddled all around the props discussing all the things they could do. Creativity filled her mind, leaving all else behind.
  "Hey guys!" Mal gleamed as she sat her bucket down. "Any more covers?"
  A dark-skinned girl looked up to Mal and smiled a teeth-gaped smile. "Mal, there you are! It's been too long of a wait, we needed help painting the Maleficent symbols hours ago!"
  "Not hours," cut in Alex. "Our little Tya here is being dramatic."
  "Am not!"
  "Your mother literally kissed a frog!"
  "Your dad climbed a woman's hair!"
  Taking a step back from the fighting friend's, Mal used her skill for meaningful things. Like painting and convincing people to do her work...

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