talking to the moon

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  IK ITS NOT TUESDAY BUT THE LAST CHAPTER SUCKED SO HERE IS THIS (the other one is being deleted now)
  It was the type of night that you'd sit, curled in a blanket, with your loved ones counting the stars, sipping on some form of hot cocoa. Most people would call it silly, to sit alone on such a beautiful night, but he called it a tradition. Every night he would look up to the moon and...speak with her. He knew Mal was there somehow. Every night he wished she would talk back, he tried so hard to get to her but never managed to. The man liked to believe she was talking back, or at least trying but her lunar-goodness didn't allow it.
With a sigh, Ben allowed a tear to fall down his cheek. "Hey, Mal, it's me, Ben. It's been a year now. You know since you became the Queen Of Le Aura." He chuckled awkwardly. "Uhm I found a flower for you, it's a black rose, your favorite."
He smiled softly at the dark flower, twirling its stem in between his fingers. "It reminded me of you. It's dark and beautiful just like you were..." He stammered out. "I love you, Mal. See you tomorrow."
  The servant knew she was somewhere out there, ruling the Kingdom from different parts of the vas walls. He wished he could be by her side and hold her when the nights were cold, but he knew his place and she knew hers. They just happened to be worlds apart, no biggie. Sometimes, Ben imagined that she'd walk through the door and announce her mother was accepting of him and they could be together without hiding anymore, but when reality hits he realizes that would never happen. He wasn't a prince. Heck, he was the baker of the castle after all! What could he give her? A burnt croissant?
  Closing his small balcony's door, the auburn-haired man made his way to his old and messy bed. As he laid on his back, his arms behind his head, he stared at the wooden ceiling like he did every night before he allowed his tiredness to take over and send him into a peaceful night's rest. But tonight was different, something was keeping him awake. Whether it was the chilling winds from the cracks of the walls or his thoughts running wild, sleep didn't arrive. Maybe a walk around the yards would help his body grow tired.
꧁ ꧂
A leaf crunched from behind him causing the young man to turn in a quick, swift motion to face this friend or foe. The perpetrator was dressed in a long red velvet cloak with golden trimming and long hair falling onto their chest. From what Ben could tell, this woman was apart of the higher civilization. Either a high esteemed servant to the Royal Family or a thief. Either way, he was in trouble.
"It isn't safe to be out late at night. The guards will get very grumpy seeing you," the voice was soft, familiar almost. "Especially since you don't have a cloak on. You could pass as a thief at first glance."
He couldn't identify why he felt so drawn to the woman's voice, but he did. "Uh-huh, and you are?" Ben knew he should be respectful to his superiors but for all, he knew she could have stolen the cloak.
The women stepped closer, revealing who was under he cloak. He gasped as he laid eyes on his star-crossed lover's green, glowing eyes. "How long has it been since you've slept?" Mal asked him placing her soft, chilled hands on his face. Outlining the circles under his eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"You look like you haven't slept in days." She added.
He shrugged her off and gave her a reassuring fake smile. "I have just not tonight. I'm pretty busy you know." The busboy noticed how she was still wearing the golden jeweled crown on top of her soft purple hair. "Are you going to be wearing the crown more often?" He asked hoping to move her focus from him to herself. Girls like to talk about themselves right?
  She shook her head. "It's my mother's crown, she shouldn't be stepping down. I haven't found nor do I want a King yet it's just.... uncultured of her."
  Nodding his hand he slipped his hand into hers— it was strange how perfectly it seemed to fit with his. "Well, I think you look beautiful." He lifted her hand and placed a gentle kiss on her hand before smiling and looking forward. "A walk, madam?"
  She giggled and nodded. "Of course my kind sir."
  As the secret couple walked through the gardens, Ben couldn't help but notice her change in attire. She was now dressed in a long red dress with her hair curled into a bun with hair falling down on her neck, where the headpiece (crown) set. Her dress hugged her curves without flaw, and had these beautiful bell sleeves. She looked less like a twenty-year-old and more like the Queen than ever. She was developing into her place in the World and yet, he hasn't even found his.
  "It's impolite to stare." She had commented as the walk found its end. "You didn't think I wouldn't notice, did you, Ben?"
  He shook his head, chuckling. "I guess I was hoping you wouldn't, so yes."
  "You can stare all you want when we get inside but not now. Too many guards out just waiting to tell my mom something."
  He cocked an eyebrow. "Inside? But your highness-"
  She rose her hand silencing him. "Cut it with the formalities, I'm still Mal. Even if I look my mother I am still Mal." She then moved her hand from his and placed it on the side of his neck. "Now come on, it's cold out here." She placed a room kiss onto his lips, pausing him at the moment.
  After Mal had sneaked him into the upper layers of the fortress, she made sure to lock her room's door so no one could charge in and catch them together. He was aware that a certain guard already suspected them being involved with each other but he probably assumed it was for many different reasons then what was the facts.
  "Don't be shy." The purple-haired woman told him as she undid her dress. "Get a blanket and warm up, I can see you have goosebumps."
  Ben blushed and nodded. He tried to keep from staring once more at her, so he focused all his attention on his current mission at hand. Find a blanket big enough for the two share, which wouldn't be hard at all. The Royal families always had the finest and widest blankets in the whole kingdom not to mention the best comforting places to sit. He envied Mal for having such wonderful places to read and sleep, like she had her own clouds in her room.
  "This good?" He asked her sitting next to her on her much bigger than needed bed.
  "Perfect." She was now dressed in a black nightdress and her hair braided down her back.
  As he laid down facing her he noticed how closely she studied him. Not in a romantic way but in a concerned manner. "Something wrong? Did I get dough on my shirt?" He asked her as he allowed the warmness of the blanket to send him comfort.
She shook her head. "You're acting different wh-" her expression changed. "It's because I'm Queen...isn't it?"
"Mal, please-"
"No, it is!" She yelled, standing abruptly from the bed.
Ben sat up looking at her, using his arm for support. "Come here," he motioned for her to sit in front of him again, he prayed she listened, and much to his liking, she did. "Listen. Yeah, you being Queen is a bit strange I mean you'll have to marry soon and it's just a little weird dating a woman who can break your whole life in one snap." He added earning a small grin from his lover.
"Ben I love you and I can't lose you." She sighed, looking at her hands. "I don't want my new title to come between us, I plan to tell my mother soon, she's expecting the big news."
  "You aren't pregnant are you?" He panicked.
  "What? No, Ben, I'm going to tell my mom about us."
  He moved so he laid on his back and looked at the ceiling then to her. "I'm not leaving here anytime soon, when she wakes you tomorrow she can piece it together." He added.
  Laying on his chest, Mal covered herself with the blanket and snuggled into his side. "She'll have your head."
  "If the last thing I see is you," he told her sitting up, gently placed her hand is his. "That's all I care about." He leaned in, lifting her chin and kissed her soft lips passionately.

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