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(Ailee's powers will be based off on Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch. Which means at some point she will be able to do Reality Warping but not to it's full extent.)

Ailee walked down the streets of Star City as she fiddled with the cloth covering the palm of her hands. She was in her red oversized hoodie which reached until the top of her knees which matched her black leggings. She had her shoulder-length brown hair down as she tried to keep her head low, trying to hide her ocean blue eyes. She thought that maybe a break from Central City would do her good, so now she was in the city with her best friend and her siblings.

She was holding in her tears as she reminisced the events of 2 days ago. She had a fight with her boyfriend, Barry Allen. She knew she shouldn't take it to heart but the two haven't talked in these 2 days and she was missing him like crazy.

Ailee sighed for the hundredth time today as she felt herself slightly loose control of her powers. But she had to stay strong.. she didn't want to blow the grounds up again.

Ailee sensed someone behind her and she instinctively grabbed the knife she hid on her hips. She turned around to be met with a blonde guy.

"Who are you?" She asked, her honey coated voice startling the man for the moment.

"Ah.. are you Ailee Miller?" He asked and Ailee nodded noting to herself that the man was definitely not american after hearing his accent.

"You don't look like you're from around here sir, why don't you just take a flight back to the tea and other shit?" She asked the man who simply chuckled.

"You're right Ms. Miller, what an eye you have. But I'm afraid I xan't do that" Was the last thing she heard him say before he pulled out this light gun and flashed her.


9 unconscious bodies laid on the top of a building. Each one of them slowly gaining consciousness. 

Ailee slowly opened her eyes and sat up looking at the others, she recognized almost all of them immediately.

"Sara?" She asked with wide eyes and the blonde assassin looked at the brunette and everyone could see the bright smile plastered on the seemingly cold assassin.

"Ailee?" She asked excitedly as she got up and tackled the girl into a hug.

"Missed you too Lance" Ailee giggled as she remembered her best friend who never showed emotion now bursting with happiness.

"What a headache" Ailee and Sara heard a gruff said as she recognized the man to be Mick Rory.

"Stein? What the hell are you doing here?" Ailee knew this man too well, Leonard Snart. Let's say these two have some history because of well.. Ailee's-- Barry Allen.

"For once I am as ignorant as you are" Martin Stein said.

"Snart?" Ailee asked with her eyes squinted.

"Ah.. so that's where the sexy magician went. I missed you doll, where's your speedster?" Snart asked as he smirked and arched his eyebrows looking at Ailee.

"We.. aren't talking right now.. and it's none of your business, Cold" Ailee sneered as the ice cold shooter was slightly taken aback with the response. He didn't think that the two would break apart, but that's good for him.. he doesn't need to stop himself from flirting with the brown head.. not like it stopped him before.

"Where are we?" Sara asked 

"Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us?" Jefferson Jackson asks making Ailee think about what happened before. "British dude with a flashy thing, ring any bells?" He continued.

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