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Ailee entered the brig room again and she saw Mick look up at her.

"You've been coming in here too often. If this is about feelings again--" Mick starts

"It's about you and Snart" She said sliding down the glass and she could hear Mick groan.

"You know Leo always said that you would be able to get out of that mess" She started and Mick gruffed.

"He said that those people messed with the wrong guy" She sighed.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asks her and she looks at him.

"You guys are partners, you have to make up. If not, trust me you're going to regret it" She told him and Mick saw how her eyes softened for a moment.

"Ah.. so you regret something like this too huh?" He told her and she shrugged.

"You can say that, but my partner is back in Central City. You and Leo are right here" She said to him.

"I'll see what I can do, Red" Mick said as pinching the skin between his eyes.

"I'll talk to you later Mick" She said and walked out.

"Not looking forward to it" Mick yelled.


The ship shakes a bit as Ailee drank a can of soda.

"What was that?" Sara asks.

"That was our jump ship taking off" Ailee said as she looked at the panels.

"How could Per Degaton have escaped?" Stein asks.

"Gideon, who else is on the jump ship?" Ray asks.

"It's being piloted by Captain Hunter" Gideon told the team.

"Who just turned off his transponder?" Jax says.

"Sounds like someone doesn't want us following him" Sara says.

"Why?" Steina sks.

"Because Rip doesn't want us stopping him" Ailee spoke up.

"Stopping him from doing what?" Jax asks.

"Killing Per Degaton" Sara sighs.

"Okay, just think about this" Ray says.
"Where could Rip be taking Per Degaton?"

"Jump ship's got a range of 8000 miles, so anywhere" Jax says.

"It doesn't matter where he's taking him" Sara says. "All that matters is what he's gonna he's gonna do to him once he gets there"

"I don't think Rip would murder Per Degaton" Ailee said as she sipped on her cola which she then passes to Jax to take a sip.

"To Captain Hunter, this isn't about killing, it's about saving" Stein says.


"His son's life for Per Degaton's" Stein explains. "Rather simple cold-blooded calculus for a father to undertake"


The ship started to rumble as sparks starts flying everywhere.

"Gideon?" Stein asks.

"Tor Gedaton's forces have surrounded the ship" Gideon announced. "I'm afraid our shield will not be able to sustain continued bombardment"

"You're afraid" Sara asks.

"Here's an idea: why don't you fire back?" Snart asks.

"I would, except--"

"The flying robots already targeted our weapons systems" Jax told everyone.

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