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Ailee was asleep in her neat private quarters

It was a medium sized room with the usual grey walls. Her bed was placed in the corner where she had covered the top and made a small bed fort. It had light pink comforters and many pillows. She had hung fairy lights she bought during one of the missions around the room and placed some inside her fort. 

There was a bean bag and a book case next to her bed and it also had some more closets and such. She kept souvenirs in a cabinet and she had 3 speakers placed around the room. There was a small corner in her room where she keeps the albums of certain artists so she could play it later on her CD player. There were stuffed toys on her bed and a life-sized pikachu she took from the pokemon center when she made a quick stop at the place with the jumpship.

It was a nice comfy room and there was a box filled with snacks and food and 3 packs of soda were placed under her bed. She also had a TV placed in front of her bed whenever she wanted to watch something, or to binge watch some of her favorite shows with Ray and sometimes Jax.

When Ailee woke up she expected to be alone with her comforters wrapped around her but she opened her eyes to be met with Young Ray. She almost screamed but she saw the boy put a finger to his lips.

"What are you doing honey?" She asks.

"Hiding from Mr.Ray, he wanted to place me in the cargo again but I ran out and opened a room. Then I saw you sleep" Young Ray said.

"That was totally not creepy in any way possible" Ailee giggled softly.

The doors of Ailee's room slid open and Ray walked inside, Ailee closed her eyes pretending to be asleep again when Ray went towards the girl and saw the small boy.

"Don't disturb the Angel!" Ray whispered to his younger self.

"Okay" Young Ray whispered back as he got off of the bed and out with Ray.


They were able to retrieve young Stein and Snart by the time Ailee got out of her room.

The waverider had landed and Ailee was refreshed as ever in her usual battle outfit but kept her mask back in the private quarters. 


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