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As the three got back on the ship Ailee went to the bathroom which let's take note, it being shared with everyone on the ship. She removed her makeup as Jax came in to take a piss he saw her and took a step back but he shrugged and just decided to pee.

"God Jax, you could've waited a bit" She groaned as she was washing her face.

"Oh hell nah, I am not going to pee in that bottle that Sara gave me when I walked in on her showering" Jax said and he quickly finished washing his hands after Ailee finished washing off the makeup.

"I'm going to sleep" She yawned as she went to her shared room with Sara. She changed into a hoodie and sweatpants as she went on the top bunker and dozed off to sleep.


Ailee woke up and she saw that it was about 10 am already and she stood up lazily, her eyes still wincing at the brightness of the light that greeted her when she opened the door.

She went to the bathroom ignoring the person who was showering at the moment. She brushed her teeth and washed her face.

"Can you pass me the towel?" She heard Kendra say and she grabbed the towel and handed it over to her.

"Next time lock the door" She said as she walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where she got herself waffles. 


Ailee was training with Sara as the two sparred but she felt something in the back of her mind that something was terribly wrong.

"Sara--ow" Ailee wanted to tell Sara something but the assassin jabbed her in her ribs making her step back.

"What? You don't stop a fight for a chat" the blonde said.

"I feel like something went wrong" Ailee told Sara.

"Where are the others anyways?" She asked.

"I'm not sure"

"Ladies!" Rip yelled and the girls all looked at him

He explained the situation about how the boys except for Jax and Snart were kept in the Soviet Prison.

"A thermal core?" Kendra asks on the bridge.

"Let me get this straight, you had Kendra, Ailee and I training for the next mission, when we should have been out there helping them?" Sara asked

"We will help them, and our next mission is to get our compatriots back from Vostok" Rip said

"Who is to say that they're not already dead?" Kendra asks.

"Vostok needs the professor alive to build the thermal core, she wouldn't kill him" Ailee mumbled.

"Ray and Rory?" Sara asks.

"Either Savage is going to keep them alive or they are going to torture them to get out information from Stein" Ailee said.

"Well, we'll have to pray that he does. If Savage's goal is to create his own Firestorm, then Stein himself is the key, the missing piece of the puzzle" Rip said. "And if Vostok figures out how to turn Stein's powers against us, then.. I'm afraid the world is beyond saving"

"Stein's a lot tougher than he looks" Jax said "I mean, it will take a lot to break him"

"That's the good news." Rip said. "The bad news is that our compatriots are being held in an impenetrable Soviet gulag"


"Labor Camp Number 54... formerly known as the Koshmar or Nightmare gulag" Gideon says. "Built in the 18th century--"

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