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Ailee sat down on the floor next to Sara as the brown haired girl leaned on her for support. 

She didn't like how Rip lied to her and the team about what is happening but she did feel like the man went through a lot. 

She wanted to go back to Central city but if the world was in danger then she wanted to stop it. She also didn't really want to see Barry at the moment. She knew this feeling. She wanted to use her powers to save the world and if it is in endanger then she should protect it.

"Whats the point of us even giving this a second thought? Rip has already seen the future. He knows exactly what's in store for each of us. Might as well have stayed dead, 'cause the world doesn't need any of us. You're just a lost assassin, you're just a pair of good for nothing criminals and well.. a heartbroken metahuman" Ray said making Ailee chuckle.

"I can live with that" Mick snapped back as he cleaned his gun.

"Well, I can't" Ray said and Ailee looked at him.

"I have 9 other people to help me change the world and become legends, to make our own destiny" 


"I don't give a damn about being a legend, as long as we end Savage once and for all" Carter said since the team just found out that Professor Boardman is dead.

"I can get down with that" Jax said

"And our malcontents" Stein asked.

"I like killing people" Mick answered

'We're in for now" Snart said

"Ailee?" Rip asked the girl who looked at the team and smiled.

"I'm in, for the team" She said as she looked at her nails.

"So how do we find the guy" Sara asked.

"Professor Boardman had a theory about that, I've already had Gideon plot a course" Rip said and fell down to his chair with a harness.


"And we've arrived. Gideon. if you wouldn't mind camouflaging us as an alpine meadow, perhaps?" Rip said.

"What are you complaining about now? It's not like we time-jumped" Leonard said looking at Mick who looked sick.

"I hate flying, especially in whatever this thing is" Mick said.

Ailee loved flying, she wanted to be a jet pilot once when she was a child before she got whatever these powers were.

Kendra and Carter suggested going back to before Aldus was killed but Rip sighed at them for what seems like the thousand time today.

"Look, I'm sorry. We can't go back and change events in which we participated. Time would fold in on itself, creating a temporal vortex" Rip said.

"Which is way cooler than it is" Ray added.

"Forgetting physics for second, shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway?" Sara asked.

"According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms" Rip stated.

"Now that sound like a vacation" Mick said

"Arms dealers and terrorist aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing" Snart said.

"Well, looks like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep" Carter said referring to Mick and Snart.

"I'm no one's lapdog, birdman" Mick sneered.

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