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"Damn this captain of ours really--" Ailee groaned as she sat by her usual space on the Waverider.

"What is it with you people and the need to pick up..." Rip's voice trails off when he saw Hex. "strays" He said softly.

Hex looked around the waverider with an observing expression. "Nice. I didn't get to see much last time"

"Last time?" Ailee asks as she looked at Rip and he glanced at the girl.

"A long story, which we will not be telling" Rip said.

"My coat suits you good" Hex said to Rip who ignored him.

"Collecting bounty, wetting whistles, 7 of yer crew got into a lot of trouble" Hex said.

"7? Isn't there 8?" Rip asks as he looked between Stein and Ailee.

"The brown-blondie head approached me when the fight started, to say I wasn't confused wasn't a lie" Hex said and Rip glared at Ailee who smiled sheepishly at him. 

"One of 'em poured lead into the one of the Still-water gang" Hex said.

"Mr.Rory?" Rip asks.

"Snart" Ailee corrected him.

"That was my second guess" 

"This guy tried to kill Stein, Snart saved him" Jax said.

"And now thanks to him, this town has brought a whole lot of hell in bargain" Hex says. "Those boys you were trading hands with in the saloon- they were members of the Still-water gang"

"Why can't a gang be ever filled with good guys?" Ray asks and Ailee smiled softly at his innocence.

"Jeb Stillwater and his friends 'been raiding this town for the past 3 months. Stealing, Robbing, Killing" Hex said.

"Well, he'll have to go through us!" Ray says.

"N-no! We are not! Not only did the ruckus you cause before might effect the timeline it will also alert the Time Masters our location" Rip said sternly.

"Sound's like someone is planning to leave again" Hex said and Ailee turned to him confused.

"Leaving already?" Mick asked hopefully.

"No!" Ray states. "Look, this town is being terrorized by the stillwater gang and I aim on doing something about it" 

"You 'aim on doing something about it? You going native on us haircut?" Mick asked amused.

"Look we signed on to this mission--"

"To stop Vandal Savage" Rip protested.

"To save the world" Ailee cut him off and glared at him.

"To be heroes, and saving a town from a marauding gang of criminals- that is what heroes do"

Hex chuckled and Ailee glanced at him. "Quite a posse of saints you're riding along with nowadays" He glanced at Ailee who pressed her lips into a thing line.


Well Ailee couldn't really expect less from Raymond Palmer. So guess whose the new Sheriff in town. It's our favorite innocent billionaire.

Ailee was sitting by the saloon, Snart sat next to her.

"Can't believe our church boy is the new sheriff in town" Snart comments.

"Wait no.. I can believe that" He added making Ailee giggle.

"Hey remember the first time we met?" Ailee asked the criminal who chuckled.

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