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The team were at the main street as Ailee stood by the side sipping some beer she had brought from the waverider. She managed to convince Rip to let her wear a much more comfortable outfit. So here she was sitting by the saloon wearing jeans, cowboy boots and the normal old west top attire. She had worn her cowboy hat and covered her eyes with it.

"You sure about this?" Ray asked Rip who nodded at him.

"Well if anything, it feels good to be out here again, in this era"

Snart pushed Stillwater forward and Ray sighed.
"Well, don't get too attached"

"That is what I keep telling myself" Rip sighed.

"The wedding's next week" Ailee joked to herself but she heard a chuckle and her head snapped and she saw him looking down at her.

"Where did you even come from?" She mumbled.

"I'll be drawing for Sheriff Palmer" Rip said and Ailee winced at the wrong name.

"How do me and my boys know you're going to keep your word?" Jeb asks.

"Sheriff Palmer's a straight shooter" Snart flipped his gun and handed it to Jeb.

He checked the gun and cocked it. "Then he should be the one in the street" 

"It should be me" Ailee grumbled as she lifted her hat slightly but Hex pushed it back down covering her face making her yelp.

"Hey!" She exclaims as he just chuckled at the girl.

"B' quiet, it's about t'happen" He said as Ailee turned and saw both sides preparing themselves.

Ailee just hoped that Rip was fast enough and she didn't have to blast some people away. She made eye contact with Jax as she nodded at him.

And in the blink of an eye. Jeb was on the ground as Rip had shot him straight in the chest. There was a photograph taken. 

"You shot a guy for me?" Jax asks as he looked at Rip.

"Yeah, you're welcome" Rip responds.

"I don't think we're done here yet" Sara sighs.

"Why?" Ailee asks.

There was yelling and running as people ran from a fog which covered 3 people. Ailee saw that these people had futuristic weapons and then she knew, these were the hunters.

"They found us" Rip breathes.

The middle guy started shooting and people started running to get out of the way. Mick took his gun out and shot at them.

"Ah! Friends! Welcome!" He smiled.

Rip handed Hex his gun.
"Ah finally" Hex says as he looks at the gun.

"You'll still have to return it" Rip says. 

"Shall we?" Stein asks Jax and he nodded as the two merged into Firestorm. 

Ailee felt her eyes turn red as she smiled at them.
"Welcome to the Wild West fellas"

She generated a ball of energy onto her hands as she clenched her teeth slightly.

"I'm sure you'll love it" She gritted through her teeth as she threw it at one of the, knocking them into Snart who shot him

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"I'm sure you'll love it" She gritted through her teeth as she threw it at one of the, knocking them into Snart who shot him.

Ailee turned to her side as she started shooting streaks at them, she had her back to Hex's back as the two shot at opposite directions.

"Watch out!" Ailee said as she formed a red bubble around the two as it was hit with an explosive, she was holding her stance and the barrier.

"Thanks" Hex breathed out as the bubble disappeared and they ran to one of them. 

He was about to run but Ailee held him with her powers and Hex shot him.

"You guys make a good team" Sara yelled as the two looked at each-other and shrugged agreeing at what the assassin said.

And sooner they won the fight as Mick killed the last one.

Hex and Ailee sat by each-other as they both held a bottle of beer in hand.

"You should get yourself a partner, this isn't really something you'd want to do yourself" Ailee said as she took a sip but she spat it out as it was the one from the saloon.

"Can't trust anyone here, anyways I already got one" Hex says and Ailee raised her eyebrows.

"We're from 2 different eras" She said amused.

"Never fought someone with such a good partner as you" Hex says and Ailee chuckled.

"I'll make sure to remember to pay a visit when I can" Ailee says and Hex chuckles.

"M' afraid Captain Hunter ain't gonna allow you" Hex comments and Ailee shrugs.

"I have my ways" Ailee says and Hex laughed.

"ALLY WE HAVE TO GO BACK" Kendra yelled.

"So this is goodbye partner" Ailee says to Hex and he nods.

"See you next time Miller" He says and she nods patting his shoulder before she walks back to the waverider, glancing over her shoulder she saw Hex and he gave the girl a small smile.


"So how are you feeling, given your concerns about becoming addicted tot his era once again?" Stein asks Rip as they all sat by the bridge.

"The last time I left, Martin, I did it to be with the closest to me" Rip says. "I'm doing the same again" 

Ailee smiled at him.

"So where to now?" Snart asks.

"Or more specifically when?" Sara asks.

"Is there another Fragmentation we can hide out in?" Kendra asks.

"Unfortunately, matters are not quite so simple" Rip says.

"How'd I know you were gonna say something like that?" Jax asks.

"Rip's buddies" Mick says

"And yours" Ray pointed out.

"The Time Masters have issued Omega Protocols on all of us" Mick says.

"That sounds not fun" Ailee comments.

"The worst kind of order they can issue, they've sent the Pilgrim after us" Mick says.

"Whose the Pilgrim?" Jax asks

"The Pilgrim is the Time Masters' most deadly assassin, and she will stop at nothing until each and every one of you are dead" Rip warns.

"Ooh scary" Snart says "Pretty sure we can handle ourselves"

"Indeed which is why she won't be going after the present-day versions of you" Rip says.

"She's hunting our younger selves" Mick states. 

"And she won't stop until each and every one of us has been erased from the timeline"

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