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"Vandal Savage has a daughter?" Ray asks entering the Captain room.

"Apparently it's true. There's a lid for every pot" Stein says,

"And this lid is gonna be very upset when he finds out that we took his pot" Jax says and everyone looks at him.

"You know what I mean" Jax sighs.

"So what's the problem?" Snart asks leaning against the wall. "It's not like we're on Savage's Christmas card list"

"And we snagged the bracelet" Mick spoke. "You're welcome, by the way"

The team started to try and figure what to do with the daughter on the ship.

"I'm on it" Snart and Ailee says at the same time making her raise an eyebrow at the klepto.


"Hello Cassie, May I call you Cassie?" Snart says as he and Ailee went into the brig.

"Here's the deal. You have information" Ailee says.

"I want it" Snart says. "The question is; how am I gonna get it" He leans near the doors of the cell.

Ailee places her self next to Snart as she looks at her nails.

The blondie moves and Ailee looks at her.

"I'm the daughter of Vandal Savage, the immortal ruler of the world" Blondie says. "Do you think he hasn't prepared me for this? Do you think I haven't already been taught to endure the most extreme suffering?"

"You know, your father sounds a lot like mine" Snart says. "Could never really say I love you, except with his fists"

"Our fathers are nothing alike, Mr.Snart" Blondie says. "14 years ago, the world was ruled by a madman, Per Degaton"

Ailee chuckles slightly making the blonde glance at her slightly confused. "He unleashed the Armageddon virus in order to conquer the globe"

"It tore through the world like a fire" She says. "Millions died, including my mother"

"There were riots, wars, hell on Earth" She says. "No one dares to stand up to Degaton, except for my father"

"He may not be a kind man, but he is the only one capable of putting this world back together" She says. "So you can torture me if you like. My suffering's a small price to pay"

"Who said anything about torture?" Ailee asks chuckling as she looked at Snart.

They heard a booming footstep.

"He's coming for me" She smirked.

"Yeah, you and a bunch of innocent refugees" Snart sneered.

"If they were innocent, they wouldn't have rebelled against my father" She says.

"God, you are like one of those upper-east side spoiled new yorkers" Ailee mutters.

"You can take care of this on your own?" She asks Snart who nods at her.

"Don't hurt yourself Leo" She says before unintentionally kissing his cheek and running off to the bridge.

Snart smirked slightly at the kiss as he looked back at the blondie in captive.


"Oh shit" Ailee says as she reaches the bridge and sees the huge ass robot human.

"Shoot Now!" Rip yells as Gideon starts shooting things out of the waverider but it didn't do anything, instead it reached over to grab the ship.

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