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"That wasn't so bad was it?" Rip asks as the Waverider steadies down.

"Walk in the park" Snart replied. "So where are we now?"

"Washington DC, the year is 1986" Rip said to everyone.

"We've landed at the height of the Cold war in a world poised for nuclear annihilation" Stein said. Ailee remembered always loving history making her nod with a 

"We've traveled here because I have a new lead for Vandal Savage's location" Gideon informs

"Yes" Rip said "Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts"

"Tele-what?" Jax asked.

"It's like an email.. on paper" Ailee said eating a chip.

"Wow, that's totally useless" Mick commented making Ailee laugh but she quickly regretted it when she almost choked.

"Dude, this whole thing's crossed out" Jax spoke up.

"Yeah, redacted by the U.S government, which is why we are here to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him" Rip says

"Uh.. that's the" Ray started to speak but the Waverider started to give out a view of the Pentagon.

"Now, now.. don't worry. We are cloaked" Rip says.

"You want us to break in to the Pentagon?" Mick asked. "Sounds Awesome"

"It's been so long since I've been here" Ailee muttered as she saw the building.

"What's the plan?" Sara asks.

"Oh, the fabricator will fashion you the necessary Pentagon credentials" Rip says.

"Ooh! Don't forget out G-man disguise! I always wanted to be a spy!" Ray said excitedly


"Now, the file we're after is kept in a secure records room. In order to gain access, we're going to need to, uh.. borrow a magnetic key card" Rip said through the comms.

"I don't understand why you didn't want to go Ailee" Stein said through the comms as Ailee was stuck on the Waverider, she situated herself next to Rip as the girl poked him for fun.

"Last time I went to the Pentagon, they wanted to experiment on me" Ailee said boredly.

"And we do not want" Rip said. "Stop poking me Ailee! I mean Ms.Miller, we don't want you captured but now it doesn't seem like the worse option" 

"Just call me Ailee, Captain. It makes it less awkward for all of us, I know you love me" Ailee said as she looks over the team.

As Mick distracted the guards, Ailee focused on Sara and Kendra. Something was off about the hawk girl and she can feel it.

"Guys.. I feel like Kendra is losing control" Ailee said to the team as she knew that face very well. It wasn't too rare to see Ailee lose control of her powers when she first realized she gotten it.

And as if on cue Kendra suddenly busted out her wings as her eyes glowed glow.

"Called it" Ailee said as she plopped a chilli coated peanut into her mouth. 

"All right, wonderful, we've got a demigoddess whose gone completely berserk. Abort. I repeat, abort. Get back to ship right now" Rip said 

"Roger that"

"Firestorm, can you help return our winged avenger to her cage?" Rip asked Jax and Stein who then swoops in and grabbed Kendra, taking her back to the ship.

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