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Ailee ran out of the burning house as she coughed harshly. She breathed in the fresh air and stumbled to the ground-- this house belonged to the one and only Mick Rory.. oh yeah.. It was also burning down right now.

Jax and Sara were still in there so Ailee took a deep breath and wore her mask and went in. Only to find his parents' dead bodies.

She and Sara both rushed out, Jax following closely behind. 

"Young Rory isn't there" Ailee said.

"But we found his parents, they're dead" Jax adds.

"Then where the hell is he at?" Sara asks


The rest of the team were able to capture Young Mick as Jax, Ailee and Mick were at the cargo bay now with Young Mick who was pacing around.

"That's young you?" Jax asks and Mick nodded.

"Are you sure he's like you?" Jax asks as Mick seemed awfully quiet.

"Can you tell him to stop staring at me?" Ailee whispered to Mick as the young him seemed to be staring Ailee like she was some 5 star meal.

"Yes.. he is definitely like me" Mick states.

"What'd you tell him?" Mick asks Jax.

"That we work for a secret agency called A.R.G.U.S.. I think he bough it" Jax says.

"Course he did" Mick says. "He's an idiot"

Ailee and Mick were about to leave until Jax spoke up.

"Hey, no offense but do you really think it's a good idea to leave him unsupervised?" Jax asks.

"You're right" Mick says and looks at Jax. "Have fun" 

Ailee and Mick exits the cargo bay hearing Jax protesting.

"SORRY LIL BRO" Ailee yelled.


"I put her in the cargo bay with mini you, told them both to stay put" Sara say after catching her younger self. "The less they know what's going on, the better"

"You sure you want to leave daddy's little girl with that punk?" Mick asks.

"Even before the League of Assassins, I knew how to handle guys like you" Sara sneers,

"Okay! Next up is Ailee Miller" Rip says as he figures out where the Pilgrim was at for attacking Ailee.

"When is it?" She asks as she looked at the board.

"Central City, July 15 2004" Rip says and Ailee's eye widened.

"Oh crap" She muttered.

"What?" Rip asks.

"You'll find out" She smiles as she then retreats to her quarters.


Snart, Sara, Ray and Jax were at Central City as they ran to the school.

"Who goes to school on a Sunday?" Jax asked.

"Only geeks do, I always knew Red was smart, but I didn't think she would go to school on a weekend" Snart said as the 4 sneaked into the school.

They went through the corridors when they heard giggles coming from the lab. Sara arched her eyebrow as they approached the lab, they heard something crashed so they all ran into the lab, but to say they were shocked was an understatement.

It was teenage Ailee in an oversized T shirt and short pants on the lab table straddling a messy haired teenage Barry. They were making out and they accidentally dropped a measuring glass but didn't care at the moment.

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