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Rip drove the truck as Sara, Snart and Ailee sat in the back and as the truck rolls by the gate all three of them jumped out and ran to crouch by the gate.

"Remember, we get Stein first" Sara told Snart and Ailee

"And if the plan fails, you'll kill him" Snart said "You want my advice?"


"Don't use your gun. Do it with your hands" Snart says. "DO it while you're looking right into Stein's eyes"

"You're talking about a member of our team" Sara sayd.

"He just doesn't want you to forget who we're talking about" Ailee said.

Ailee opened the gate and they all ran through.

Sara jumps on a gurney and Ailee placed a sheet over her. Snart wore a guard uniform and was about to give it to Ailee but she declined.

"What're you going to do if you get caught?" Snart asked.

"I have mind control powers for a reason Leo" She said as she tied her hair into a high ponytail.

Snart pushed the gurney down the hallway with Ailee walking beside him.

"Bub, how does it feel like to be dead again?" Ailee asked Sara as they took a left.

They got stopped by a guard.

"You can't be down he--come in your highness" The guard's eyes turned red as he walked straight down to the opposite side of the hallway.

"Come on" Ailee said as Snart saw the girl's eyes glowing red.

Ailee and Snart saw Mick and the gurney stopped as Sara got up.

"Alright, this duct should take us to solitary" Sara says. "We get to Stein--"

"Yeah, I'm not going" Snart interrupted her.

"That's Rip's plan. My priority is Mick" Snart said.

"Fine. Forget it, So much for your code, crook" Sara said.

"Anytime, assassin" Snart said as Sara goes over to the ducts and climbs in.

"You better bring Raymond back" Ailee said looking at Snart who chuckled.

"Whatever Doll" He said before he leaves. 

Ailee pulls herself into the ducts and her and Sara climbed through the vents.

Ailee saw Stein threw the vents and she tapped Sara's leg to tell her to stop.

"You mentioned the Quantum Splicer earlier, Professor" A women says. "Your friends are counting on you to make the right decision"

"We have eyes on Stein" Sara sayd through her comms.

"The future is cementing" Rip says "You must extract Stein before he enters the lab"

"I could try and mind control Vostok but I need to get closer" Ailee said as the two girls then dropped down and started running after the group with Sara leading them.

Sara throws a knife at the guard making him drop, Ailee used her powers to lift them up and throw them behind her and Sara.

"Kill them!" Vostok yelled pushing Stein through a door.

"What's happening Ailee?"

"I couldn't rescue Stein" Sara says.

"Have they moved him into the lab?" Rip asked.

"Yeah, where Savage has every guard in the gulag watching him" 

"Well if that's the case" Rip's voice trailed off.

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