Baking a cake with Mj and Jordan

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[ Backstory:
Maia(Mj) and Jordan are baking a cake for Bennett's birthday while Naomi and Declan are keeping him out of his kitchen. The question of if they are together or not is up to you]

Parents are advised to accompany children like Jordan and Maia to avoid what happens further on.
This is NOT a tutorial unless you want a brick resembling piece of cake.

The chaos inside the Bennett's kitchen was almost comparable to the messy life of the author.

{ Fourth wall never existed in tggbb so why should I build one now?}

Jordan once again dipped his finger in confectionery sugar and popped it in his mouth earning yet another smack on his head by our lovely tiny chef, Maia.

A small smile eased its way onto Maia's face as she tried to scowl at Jordan.

Jordan gave a mischievous smile and Maia ran away from him. She was barely few inches ahead when Jordan slipped his hands around her waist and picked her up.

He placed her on the countertop and stepped in between her legs, settling his hands behind her on the Isle.

Maia tried to stop her mind from clouding up as Jordan inched his face closer to hers,
"I have this much effect on you, huh?" He whispered still leaning so close to her. A smirk was present on his lips.

The girl who was way too conscious of the proximity, shut her eyes to regain her breathe.

That's when she felt him kiss on her jaw.

"Don't worry I won't do anything you aren't ready for."
That's all he said before stepping away.

And that's ladies and gentlemen why we all love Jordie so much.

Maia opened her eyes and looked around the kitchen to find him missing, that's when she got a text,

Mum wanted me to pick her up and get her here so she could help with the cake. I'll be back soon.
Don't miss me too much ;)

The tips of her ears turned read before she shook her head.

Maia got off the counter(which was quite a high jump *giggles* ) and started sifting all the flour and Coco powder. Almost quarter of which ended up on the surface around the bowl.

She was halfway in cracking the eggs when, she heard the door open. She looked up to find a lady standing at the entrance.

"Hello darling, you must be Maia right? My son talks so much about you. You're so gorgeous oh my god. God I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Samantha, you can call me Sam."

Maia stood there listening to Sam attentively as if this was a lecture.

"Uh he talks about me?" Her eyebrows raised as she mentally face-palmed before introducing herself.

"I'm so sorry, it's so nice to meet you."

As you can tell our girl was the epitome of awkwardness but luckily Sam wasn't mean at all.

She smiled at how flustered Maia was and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Gosh you're adorable." She whispered before yelling,

"Jordan hurry up, for god's sake it isn't as heavy you drama queen."

Maia snickered at this.

Jordan groaned as he entered with the party supplies covering his face and noticed how he kept dropping them all the way upstairs.

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