Mystery solving with Irtika and Jordan

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Feeling the sunshine peek through the half closed curtains Jordan's sleepiness escaped. He moved his body around to hug Irtika but she was nowhere to be found.

He opened one eye to look around, their room was empty. He got up and stretched when his gaze fell onto a haphazardly folded note on the side table.

Breakfast is on the table, after that wear the clothes kept on the chair.

It was way too early for him to question anything so he went with it.

On the table there was a stack of pancakes topped with whipped cream and fruits. There was a vanilla milkshake on the side. Once he was done he picked up the plate to find another note.

Oh so now that you're full, go to the gym with those clothes on.

This made Jordan frown
"Are we playing a game of mystery hunt?" He said to no one in particular.

He changed into the baby blue shirt with black jeans and went over to the gym which was a garage changed into a makeshift gym.

He looked around only to find nothing, he turned around to leave when he saw a dumbbell sitting right next to the door with another note below it.

Oh don't you frown Jordan, I know you're enjoying the game. Let's just say the surprise would be rewarding. Now shoo off you go to the backyard.
;) Remember the saying, try try but don't cry.

The poor lad once again followed the instructions and went to the backyard. There was nothing eye-catching in general but them his eyes fell upon a jewellery box.

He picked it up and tried to open it but of course, our girl isn't going to make it easy for him.
It was locked.

He looked around and a poorly covered hole caught his eye. He dug open to find a bunch of keys attached to a large hoop.

He sighed, it was too early for all this he thought as he picked up a quite heavy bunch of keys and sat down at the entrance.

Let's just say it kept him occupied for half an hour. He yelled happily and opened the box.

Inside the box was a watch. Not just any other watch the one that he had been eyeing for so long.

He admired the new sheen on it as he peeled of the covering plastic and latched it onto his wrist. Below it there was another note.

You deserve to be spoiled to, love. Now come back to the bedroom you've taken way too long.

The wide smile seemed to be plastered upon his face and he shut the door walking back upstairs.

At the last stair sat a puppy. The puppy looked lost with a collar on his neck.

He picked him up in his arms and rubbed his fur

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He picked him up in his arms and rubbed his fur. There was. Note stuck in his collar.

Am I the best girlfriend or what? I'm waiting for you. Don't bring the puppy upstairs, Bennett will take care of him.

Reluctantly, Jordan put down the puppy back on the ground and ran upstair. He slowly opened the door to find the whole room decorated.

In the middle of the table was a cake which had Happy birthday our tech geek ♡ written on it. He looked around the room to find Irtika standing close to the wall besides the door with a smile.

He pulled her into a hug, almost lifting her off the ground which made her let out a squeal.

He finally set her back on her feet but kept her close.

"Happy birthday Jordie" her grin was so wide as she knowingly called him that. He let out a whine before placing a light kiss on her lips.

They were very much interrupted by a loud chorus of 'Happy Birthday '.

He turned around to find Bennett standing there with the puppy in one arm and his other arm around Hazel. Besides them Naomi stood with Declan as they held a large gift box in their hands. A head peaked from the back, Jordan recognised her and yelled,

They met halfway and he twirled her in his arms.

"I missed you" they both simultaneously said.

He set her down to find all of their friends standing there.

The rest of the day included them cutting the cake and stuffing their faces with snacks as they had a long movie marathon. For just this once Jordan wasn't mocked because it was his day after all.

At the end of the day when everyone left they shut the main door and came inside. Jordan tugged at her wrist pulling her towards him.

"Thank you for the best birthday ever, you don't know how happy I am. You didn't have to do any of this but you still did." He kissed the side of her head,
"I love you so so so so sooooooooo much"

She turned around to face him and placed a kiss on his cheeks.
"I love you the most"

😬I've a feeling that it didn't turn out the way I wanted.

Hopefully it wasn't that bad.

♥️Please tag Irtika

You can tag Rubix in this one I won't mind.

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