Counting Blessings with Sam and Declan ft Rubix

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Did I just add the author into the oneshot based on their own book? Yes, yes I did. ( RubixCube89201 )

Now read on :)

Sam kept banging her head on the desk when a hand was placed between the two.

She rested her forehead on the hand and groaned.

"What do you want, Declan?"

He placed his head on his other hand before asking,
"How'd you know it's me?"

"Well because, one Jordan would've joined me in the task and Bennett would've placed a cup of hot chocolate besides my head so duh it's you."

He reached out to pull her cheeks,
"Aww you know me so well" he deadpanned.

She finally turned her face still leaning onto the desk,
"What do you want Decca? Go talk to Rubix, she loves you"

He narrowed his eyes at her and raised an eyebrow,
"Yes, because she's my best friend who has taken up the role of my mum. If I'm here right now, it's because I want to spend time with yo-"

He quite literally face-palmed on realising,
"You are so sneaky with changing subjects. Now speak up what's the matter?"

The tired girl mumbled a 'nothing' as she put her head on her crossed arms.

"Sam, I'm serious. Talk to me"

No response.


No response.

"Samaira Marie Anderson, sit upright and look at me when I talk to you. What's the matte-"

He was cut off by a paper being shoved into his face.

We are very sorry to inform you that your book doesn't meet our expectations.
It needs a lot more work than just a bit of editing, we advice you take some time to write another one instead....

He couldn't read any further. They indirectly told her that the book wasn't worth the effort. Anger grew as the words written on that paper echoed in his brain.

Sam didn't deserve this. Not just because she was his friend but also because she was actually an amazing writer and had a way with the words.

By now Sam was sat upright, her breathing was fast and he could see she looked disappointed.


"-am you're good for nothing. I know, trust me I know. People think I suck but they don't understand the meaning behind my words. I WRITE IN A POETIC MANNER! But somehow that is not what they want. They want a cliche of a girl and boy falling in love after hating each other based on assumptions." She blew out air before speaking in a normal tone.

" Why is it so hard for them to give my book a chance? This is the third time my book got rejected. They think I should stick to clichés because my first book did good. I want to venture in the writers world. I don't want to be labelled as a cliche writer."

By the end Declan could see how she was breaking down because of the rejection.

He took her hand in his and held in to his chest.

"How about I talk to Bennett and he can get it publis-"

The poor lad was once again cut off but this time by a glare.

She did not want to use anyone's help in getting to the point which she will call success. She refused Bennett's offer a lot of times.

To be frank, Bennett knew not to try and be sneaky with her too.

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