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Naomi was crying, her tears welled up as she ran into his room.
There he sat going through some papers with his reading glasses on. He seemed so engrossed in them but all the concentration flew out of the window when he recognised the footsteps rushing towards his room.

He closed the file with the pen in between marking where he last left.
His hands hovered over the doorknob as she opened it for him.

One look on her rosy cheeks and red nose with those tear stained face was enough for him to pull her inside.

He sat her on the bed and calmed her down,
"Do you want space or should I stay? Say the word and it's done." Bennett's voice was low as his hands shook from treating her like a fragile broken doll.

"Can I have a hug?" It came out barely as a whisper as he asked for her to repeat, only for her to stand up to leave.

A small smile took over his frowning face and he tugged on her forearm to pull her into a hug.
His head  nuzzled into her hair.

"Waakeee uppp waakeee upp it's a brand new daaay..."

Suddenly this voice booked in the room.
That cued Bennett to feel like a pillow. Naomi's eyebrows raised as she pulled back to find a life sized Bennett pillow, like one hazel had in her room.

She screamed Bennett's name only to be jolted awake from the constant tugs on her hand.

Her eyes wide open as the three Musketeers loomed over her tiny body laid on the bed.

She raised the sheets to cover her face as she peeled up and noticed,

Declan's disappointed face.

Jordan singing "Wake up wake up" alarm tone.

Bennett's face with the deepest shades of red splashed across his cheeks as he avoided her gaze.

Jordan broke the awkwardness with an even more awkward question,
"So.... Naomi, did you have a dream about a special someo- Owwww Declan, what did I do now?"

She tried to lie when he countered by how loud and dramatically she yelled Bennett's name in her sleep.

This only made her cover her face fully with sheets as Declan stormed out of the room. Jordan followed him not wanting him to hurt himself.

Bennett looked back at her at the same time as she lowered the sheet off of her face. Their eyes widened as if they planned it beforehand.

"I'm sorry I uh" she now hid her face in her hands not wanting to speak as Bennett's gaze was upon her.

He chuckled as he lifted her legs into his lap sitting across her.

His hand reached out to tilt her chin back up,
"Did you dream about me?"
She nodded

The blush darkened and Naomi laughed at how Bennett was for once blushing and not the other way around.

He pulled her closer to tickle her only for him to realise how close their faces were.

His hands pulled back a little as if scared that Naomi wouldn't want this. Naomi washed away all the doubt as she held his hands and placed them back there.

She placed her hands around his neck, not wanting to fall off the bed from the position they were in.

They stayed like that as she explained the dream.

They sat just like that as she explained the daydreams about him as well.

They stayed like that as she leaned forward with a spark of newfound confidence and placed her lips on his cheeks.

She pulled back but his hand on her back stopped her from leaning back fully.

"Would you stop teasing me for once?"
This made a small smile appear on her lips as she teasingly shook her head.

He then tickled her to make her say yes but she leaned forward brushing their lips together as she laughed.

His hands froze and so did she and they realised what just happened.

Did they crave that accidental touch?

They both did.

Slowly, very very slowly they closed the distance and took a deep breathe as their noses touched.

Not being able to control any longer Naomi closed whatever distance was left.

For a first kiss this wasn't slow paced. It communicated what their shy eyes couldn't.

Their lips moved together and her hands moved to tangle in his raven hair.

She accidentally tugged on his hair making him tighten his hold on her waist.

She smiled knowing they both affected each other more than they ever wanted to admit.

Eventually need for oxygen overpowered the need for the touch they craved and they pulled away.

Lets just say, that was just the starting of a long journey they had in store for them.

:) Yes it's short coz I'm not Hazel or Rubix who can write loooooong chapters that easily.

Dedicated to the creator of our favourite ship RubixCube89201❤️

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