Cramps and Cuddling ft Hazel & Bennett

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😂okay don't hate me but hazel is fitting for this storyline so 🤷

Hazel laid there on her bed in a fetal position. As if the little fight with her ' friend ' didn't affect her enough, the cramps we're slowly torturing her to death.

To add the cherry on the top, someone knocked on the door. It was raining quite heavily, she thought.

Her eyes were almost drooping when the knocking became more consistent.
She groaned and went downstairs. Halfway she realised she was just wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

Should I go change or just open the door?
Meh not like I'm gonna invite anyone in.

Destiny laughed in the background. Further knocking made her run down to the door, she groaned internally at the cramps.

She opened the door ready to hell at the person on the other side when she saw a drenched Bennett standing there shivering. Her eyes resembled saucers.

"Wha- shit, come in. You'll catch a cold. Are you dumb.." she continued rambling as she pulled him inside and brought him a towel.

Somehow the pain was least of her concerns. She peeled off the heavy jacket full of rainwater and Bennett took off his shirt as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

Of course the district blush on her cheeks told Bennett the story of what her eyes were peeking at.

She shook her head and bought him to her room.

"Look, my father doesn't live here so of course I don't have his clothes for you but you could probably fit in this t-shirt." She said as she pulled out another one from her collection of comfy clothes.

Her hands reached in to find the loosest sweatpants she had, she usually rolls them up to fit her but Bennett would fill it up quite well.

"There you go. And there's the bathroom." She pointed to her right.

Once he was gone, she sat back down onto the bed, trying so hard not to curl herself up because of the pain. Eventually the pain got too much and she did end up laying back in the same position as an few minutes ago.

She turned her head on hearing the click of lock and Bennett came out wearing her clothes.

That's the thing about them, they never go with what the norm is and it's not even intentional to challenge the clichés.

Bennett soon stopped pulling at the shirt which was slightly shorter for his liking and noticed her laying on the bed. Their eyes locked and he reached out for her hand, kneeling on the floor in front of the bed.

"You okay? Of course you aren't, I'll go get you some soup and I'll make hot chocolate later"

And he did as he said, two hours later they sat besides each other watching Hazel's favourite movie. It was a movie based on her favourite book written by Nicole.

(Yes it's nikki and the book is tbbatb)

Noticing the discomfort on her face Bennett shifted closer and put an arm around her shoulder, making her snuggle into his chest.

A few minutes later he felt her tensing up as her head was almost falling off his shoulder. The sight screamed discomfort.

He picked her up and sat her in between his legs making her lean her back on his chest. This seemed to do the magic and within the next few minutes Hazel fell asleep.

Bennett continued to watch the movies and soon came the kissing seen reminding him of the reason why he came here. He leaned on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

As if God couldn't take them having peace for this long his phone rang up.

*Jordan calling*

Bennett closed his eyes in annoyance, the sneaky bastard knew he was going to Hazel's house.

He picked up the call and pulled the phone away from his ear knowing a loud screaming was cued.

He waited ten seconds precisely before bringing the phone closer again.
"Ok now Jordan is wincing with his new bruise, tell me did you tell her?"

"No, Declan. Something came up, the time wasn't right."

Bennett pursed his lips and listened to Jordan and Declan fight to get the phone when he heard a loud crash on the other side. This chaos made me drop his phone, he tried to retrieve it avoiding waking up his love in his arms.

He didn't realise that the phone was on speaker as he stared at her untill,

This sudden loud noise woke her up as she stared at him as if she had seen a ghost.

Bennett breathed out heavily,
"No Jordan" his tongue poked his cheek,
"I did not tell her that yet, you better not come in front of me for at least a few-"

A hand was placed on his mouth as a blushing Hazel spoke to a very terrified Jordan,
"Well now he did, Jordie. Or should I say you did it for him."
A chuckle left her lips and she glanced at a shocked Bennett.

The boy was shocked because he expected a slap after their fight from earlier.

Without breaking the eye contact, Hazel ended the call and turned in his arms to fully face him.

" were going to tell me something?" Her eyebrow raised as she teased him with a kiss on his cheek.

Lets just say Bennett was very flustered and red; avoiding any eye contact.

She held his face in her hands making him look up,
"I totally forgot to ask why you were drenched in rain like that and you didn't even bring it up?"
Her head tilted letting the smile appear on her face,
"Why are you so polite at all times? Act on impulse would you?"

The act of impulse was their lips pressed together, their smiles not leaving anytime soon. The kiss spoke words they couldn't speak directly.

His hand bunches her shirt in his fist while his other hand held her jaw, holding her where she was.

He deliberately bit her lip making her let out an unintentional moan. At this he laughed out loud and she hid her face in the crook of his neck.

There were way too many 'his' , 'her' & 'him' in this and I hate this.

Anywayss hope you liked it Hazel_Cahill❤️

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