Eye-rolls and Frowns with Lilly and Bennett

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This specific instance did happen in my life but I kind of modified it to make it a good one :)


The pout seemed to be permanent as Lily paced around the base.

She had stayed over and Bennett promised to meet up this morning. Well it's currently evening of the same day and he was nowhere to be found. She was so frustrated of sitting around that now she started cleaning up the base.

The noise of things being kept back on the table with little bit more anger echoed. The went around dusting random places. She even cleaned out her closet.

She was putting back the clothes when she heard the main door being opened. She brushed it off thinking it must be Naomi.

Just as she placed a stack inside, she turned around to find Bennett leaning on the door with a guilty smile on his face.

' he has the AUDACITY to smile at me now?' she thought.

She turned back around to pick up more clothes when he held her wrist lightly. She tugged him off harshly and continued to pace around with clothes.

He waited until she was done and then he repeated his actions. She once again tried to free her hand when he pulled on his hold. He hugged her from behind but she didn't melt.

She still stood stiff, refusing to return the gesture.

He was aware of what it was, the oh so famous silent treatment.

He tightened his hands around her waist pulling her closer and rested his chin on her shoulder. He smiled at her puffed cheeks and her failed attempt at getting out of his hold.

"You know you look " he caught himself and cleared his throught, " cute, yeah cute when you're mad."

She turned her gaze to look at him from the corner of her eyes,
"What were you initially going to say?"

He avoided her gaze as his cheeks turned red. She rolled her eyes and lightly smacked his forearm resting on her stomach.

She was about to give in when she realised what he was doing.
"Bennett let me go."

He looked at her and frowned. She could never be mad at him, so certainly he would've done something to make her this mad.

He turned his face to kiss her cheek and he whispered into her ear,
"I'm sorry, Lil"

"Not again Bennett. I've had enough." She said finally.

His grip loosened on her, she tried to get out of it only for him to turn her around.
He brought his hand to her cheek,
"You're breaking up with me?"

He looked like a child who got the worse news possible. He looked like he could cry.

She took a deep breathe trying to control the emotions trying to barge out as tears. She leaned her head on his chest,
"No, not if you promise me that you'll stop forgetting promises. Don't make commitments when you can't fulfill them, Bennett."

He brought her face up to look into her eyes. He did realise what he did. It wasn't the first time he promised her something and forgot about it.

The worst part was that today was her birthday, she met everyone but him. She had already firmly said no for a party. She wanted some alone time which they rarely got because of his job.

"I'm sorry" those words brought her out of her thoughts. These words infuriated her.

She pushed her fist at his chest to create some space,
"Sorry for what, Bennett?" She hated this word because often it was used without any meaning behind it.

Bennett leaned forward, their noses touched,
"For making you feel like I forgot your birthday. I did change for good, Lil. The credit goes to you of course. I had an extra shift at the restaurant."

She opened her mouth to apologize when he placed his lips on hers. Even after an year he still had the same effect on her.

He pulled back his hand from her face and reached in his backpocket.

He brought out a box, the box was too long for it to be a ring. He handed it to her but kept his hand on hers stopping her from opening it.

"Before you look at it, I know you don't like to be spoilt by my father's money. So..... I saved the salary from my shifts to buy this for you. Today's salary was needed for the last bit. I made them make it more detailed so today's shift was needed." He noticed her questioning gaze.

"No I didn't want to add money from my father even for a few days. I didn't want to own them money for later on as well, so I got a liiittle bit late."

He noticed something on his hand to find that she started crying.

Lilly's hands went around his neck pulling him into a hug. She cried in his hold. He pulled her closer and lifted her off the ground, walking backwards he sat on the bed with her on his lap.

Few minutes later she stopped crying. They pulled back and he nodded her to open the box.

The box itself was a carved wood block. Inside sat a beautiful pendant. It had a Lilly on it. The details were so beautiful. On top of the Lilly was a diamond, she looked up at him on noticing it.

"Well, you wanted me to gift you from money I earned so that doesn't mean I'll gift you a cheep ring from the dollar store."

She sobbed as she let out a 'thank you'.

Bennett put it on her, slowly turning her to face him. Lilly leaned forward to capture his lips with hers.

This might not have meant much to others but it did to the girl as she sat with him and enjoyed the hours left for her special day to end.

Not gonna lie, it kind of sucked. It wasn't the way I planned it because well, ITS BENNETT AND HE IS RESPECTFUL AS FUCK AND I CAN'T MAKE HIM A JACKASS.

Too crude? Meh, it is the way I am.

Also I kind of liked it so 🤷you decide.

Now I'm rambling.

Dedicated to Freaky_Victoria♥️
Thankyou for helping me through so much💕

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