Chapter 10

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Kozume Y/N

"Y/N just once. Please!! Just once" Yua was practically begging me to take her place as manager during volleyball practice.

"No I am sorry " I tried saying No. Keyword: Tried

"Y/N please!! Just this once!! My family is flying to Korea for vacation. I'll be back by Wednesday so until then please take my place. I even talked to coach about it. I will get you different merchandise and cute posters!! Please Y/N. Help me!!" Yua was practically begging me.

"Fine but you better get me tons of posters and cute stuffs along with all those Korean Snacks" I told her. She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you Y/N. You're the best" she said as she continued hugging me tightly.

After school Yua went back home while I headed to Gym.

"Oh Y/N-chan what are you doing here??" Yahaba Senpai asked me.

"I am taking Yua's place" I answered him.

"Yua-chan? Why? Is she sick or something??" Hanamaki senpai asked.

"No. She is going on a trip with her family to South Korea so I am her substitute." I said and he nodded.

After 20 minutes the practice started. I was taking notes like Yua instructed me and watched them play.

During break I handed them towels and drinks as I was told to do as manager duty.

It was 7 when the practice finally ended. After they changed into fresh clothes, we all walked outside.

Toshi-San was standing at the main gate waiting for me. I texted him to wait for me at my apartment.

"Toshi-san " I yelled and ran up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and slightly lifted me.

"Can you guys stop with all these PDA. It's a public place" Oikawa senpai Snickered as he walked past us. Weird!

"I told you to wait at my apartment. You didn't have to come. How long did you wait??" I asked he as he let go of the hug.

"10 minutes. Let's go" he said and intertwined his fingers with mine and we continued walking.

"See you on Monday" Iwaizumi senpai said as we parted ways.

Oikawa senpai was walking a meter ahead of us. Toshi-kun tried starting conversation with the guy but he was too arrogant so we let him be. 

After 3 more minutes we finally reached my apartment. I unlocked my door and my boyfriend walked inside. I was about to close the door but Oikawa Senpai walked inside. I raised my brow at him.

"Do you need anything Senpai?" I asked me at he stared at me.

"Takeru, Mom and Dad are out for vacation to Osaka" he stated.

"Okay?And?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I am too lazy to cook for myself so it's your turn to be the good host and give me food since my mom always feed you" he said but I couldn't help but feel mad. He is so annoying.

"May next time. Toshi-San and I are having a dinner date today so order food for yourself and Leave us alone." I said and attempted to push him out of my apartment.

"Oi Ushiwaka you won't mind cooking one more portion right?" He told my boyfriend and my clueless blunt boyfriend actually agreed as he chopped some onions.

Why the hell is he ruining our date?? Aishhhh!!

Toshi-san was cooking like the perfect boyfriend he is and the annoying (flat)ass senpai was in my living room scrolling through his phone and laughing like crazy.

"You should've said no" I muttered and Toshi-san looked at me.

"Why? You didn't wanted him to come over?" My boyfriend asked the obvious making me roll my eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?" I pouted. 

"Stop pouting. You make me want to kiss you" He said and I blushed like a tomato. He leaned in and our lips were about to touch when the annoying Senpai interrupted us.

"How long do I have to wait Ushiwaka" He said barging into the kitchen.

"Twenty two minutes" My boyfriend said making me facepalm myself.

"Oi Senpai. If you can't wait then go home and order something instead of bothering us and crashing our date" I blurted out, totally irritated at this guy.

"And You Toshi-san stop answering everything he asks" I glared at my boyfriend who gave me the weird expression.

" I am not leaving" Oikawa senpai poked out his tongue, obviously teasing me. Before I could yell at him, he went back in the living room.

Toshi-san cooked spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.  I don't have dining table in this apartment so we were eating dinner in my living room. I somehow ended up sitting between the guys.

"How is it?" Toshi-kun asked as we started eating the dinner.

"It's really tasty" I said and gave him a thumbs up.

"Nothing special" Oikawa senpai said and I don't why I wanted to beat him up. I don't know what problem does he have with my boyfriend.

"Say Oikawa Senpai? Do you have Complex with Toshi-san?" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Nonsense. Why would I have complex with Ushiwaka"He denied.

"I think you do"Toshi-san stated. I couldn't help but laugh at his bluntness.

"I don't" He raised his voice.

"If not why didn't come to Shiratorizawa " Toshi-san said and I could feel Oikawa senpai was fuming.

"Because I didn't wanted to" He sassed and continued eating the dinner.

"Now that you're done with dinner. Leave" I told Oikawa Senpai as he dumped his plate in the sink.

"Stop being so mean Y/N-chan" He whined but I didn't entertain him.

 After he left, I closed the door and walked the living room and sat beside my boyfriend leaning on his chest. 

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked me as he looked through movies.

"How about Horror?" I suggested.

"Sounds good" Toshi-san agreed.

We were five minutes into the movie when my doorbell rang. " I'll go" My reliable boyfriend said and I nodded.

"Who is it?" I shouted from the living room.

"It's Oikawa, He apparently lost the key to his apartment?" Toshi-san came back with Oikawa senpai tailing behind him. Just great!!

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