Chapter 12

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Oikawa Tooru

I knew I was doomed. I knew I should've just left after eating dinner but for some weird reason I didn't wanted to leave Y/N with this Ushiwaka, I was mad at the thought of both of them being together for the whole night doing stuffs I don't even want to imagine. So I ended up lying that I lost my key. 

This morning when I woke up, Y/N was in my arms sleeping peacefully.Her floral scent mixed with vanilla made me feel at peace and happy at the same time. I'd be lying if I said I had no feelings for Y/N. From hating her for being Ushiwaka's girlfriend to her being the helpful kohai, I ended up developing feelings for her.  Not sure if these feelings are mere attraction or love though. A part of me wants it to be the latter though.

"Y/N forgive me. I am sorry" I said and snatched my keys before running for my life.

"You liar, I am not letting you go" Y/N yelled and ran after me.

After being chased around in Y/N's apartment, I somehow managed to get into mine but before I could lock the door Y/N was already inside. I ran for my dear life.

"Y/N I am sorry. Just stop chasing me. I am getting really tired." I said as I ran behind the kitchen counter. 

"You fucking lied to me" She yelled huffing.

"Language Y/N-chan" I warned her but she just rolled her eyes before pouncing on me making both of us land on the kitchen floor. She was hovering on top of me. She then grabbed my hair and started pulling it.

"Y/N let go. You're hurting me" I grumbled but she didn't let go. Having zero option, I changed our position and hovered over her instead. I grabbed her hands with mine making her let go of my hair and stared at her. Instantly my heart started racing and my face started heating up. The thought of kissing her crossed my mind but I know if I did something like that She'll hate me and I don't want to get there.

I cleared my throat and let go of her hand as I stood up. 

"you-:" she wanted to say something but she chose not to for some reason. She gave me a last glare before walking out my apartment leaving me alone with my racing heart.

A week has already passed. Yua has returned from her family vacation and is continuing her duties as our manager. Y/N has been avoiding me since that day. Even though I go talk to her, She somehow manages to treat me as invisible. It is really hurting my feelings.

We have Inter-high starting from next week so we've been staying late and practice for it so having glimpse of Y/N anytime is a miracle. 

"Oikawa Senpai you should take a break. You've been practicing for three hours without stopping" Yua asked me to take a break.

"I'm fine Yua-chan. Don't worry" I said and wiped the sweat off my face.

"But Senpai-" Before she could say something the door of gym opened with a loud bang. 

"I'm sorry.  I guess I used too much force" Y/N bowed and rubbed the nape of her neck smiling sheepishly.

"It's okay Y/N-chan don't worry" I told her and she nodded before going to seat on the bleachers.

"You're right. I will take some break" I told Yua. She looked at me with confused expression before nodding. I took the water bottle and walked to the bleachers to sit Y/N.

"Hey Y/N-chan. Long time no see" I greeted her and she nodded.

"Will you stop ignoring me" I poked her arm as I sat next to her.

"I am not ignoring you Oi-" Before she could call me by my last name, I interrupted her. " I think I clearly told you to call me Tooru-Senpai"

"Right! " She sighed. " I am not ignoring you Tooru-Senpai" She said emphasizing Tooru. I don't why but my name from her mouth sounded so special. Guess I am really in love.

 I tried making conversation, talking about things here and there. She did answer me few times but she was mostly busy in her phone. After 10 minutes Yua came and sat with us. Y/N handed Yua a bag and left without even saying goodbye. I couldn't help but pout in disappointment.

 I stared a her disappearing figure  as I went back to practice. As I was practicing my serve, Iwa-chan walked next to me.

"You're really whipped about Y/n huh!" Iwa-chan remarked and I froze. Shit! Was I that obvious??? I tried not to.

"What are you talking about Hajime? I am not getting you." I pretended that I didn't understand what he was saying.

"Tooru I have been with you for past 12 years and yet you think you can fool me?" He gave the 'Iwa-chan' look.

"You like Y/N so just admit it." He added.

"Okay fine. I do like her" I admitted, sighing in defeat.

"You get that she is taken right? that too by Ushijima??"He pointed and I couldn't help but feel irritated. He didn't have to bring that up.

" I know that" I involuntarily snapped at him.

"You don't have to snap at me for making you realize the reality. I just don't wan"Hajime glared at me.

"Let's just practice" I told him trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. whatever" He snickered and we both continued practicing.

Now that I am aware about my feelings for Y/N, I'll make my move. It doesn't matter if She is Ushiwaka's girlfriend cause I have made up my mind. I'll Y/N mine and I am confident about it.

Y/N just wait for me to make you fall for me as I have fallen for you. 

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