Chapter 17

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Oikawa Tooru

Four days have passed but Y/N still isn't back in Miyagi. I tried calling her several times but It always went straight to voicemail. I have a feeling that she blocked me. I mean why wouldn't she? I have hurt her so bad. I can't help but feel guilty every time I think about that thing. Why am I such a idiot!!!

I didn't have appetite so I ended up skipping lunch. I was on my way to gym to practice my serves when someone crashed into me. The familiar smell of  vanilla and lavender surrounded me.  My eyes widened realizing who it was. Y/N's back.

She backed away and turned her heels walking away.

"Y/N wait-" I grabbed her hand  trying to stop her.

"Let me go" She yanked her hand to loosen my grip on her.

"Look I am sorry. I know I said things I wasn't supposed to say" I started apologizing " Please forgive me. I didn't mean it. I regret everything please forgive me" I added totally feeling guilty about it. I am not best at apologies so it ended up coming awkward.

She just stared at me in eyes, pulled her wrist and walked away glaring at me. I could feel the hatred towards me. She is definitely not forgiving me.  "Tooru you idiot! Why would you hurt her? Now she's not forgiving me."    I cursed past me, mentally groaning at myself.

I wanted to run after her and beg to be forgiven but I know it is of no use. She needs time and I will respect that and give her time while thinking about the ways to make her forgive me.

During the other half of school  time I ended up bothering Iwa-chan to give me some ideas so I could make Y/N forgive me.  He was of no use though. He suggested useless nonsense and I just rolled my eyes, trying to think about it myself.

After practice, I stopped by flower shop to get a bouquet of tulip and purple hyacinth which in flower language translates to ' I am sorry/ forgive me'. 

I really hope this idea works.  

This was the best I could think for now.

Walking back to our apartment complex, my heartbeat started beating faster. I walked up the stairs and stood infront of her apartment ringing the doorbell. I rang the bell several times but she didn't answer.

She's probably not home yet.

I sat on the stairs waiting for her to return. I am not going back into my apartment until I hand her the bouquet. Doesn't matter if she forgives me or not.

Forty minutes later Kozume Y/N came. She had hoodie covering her face as she walked up the stairs.

"Y/N-chan-" Before I could greet her or say anything, she started entering her passcode, totally avoiding me. She was about to get inside but I stopped her as I grabbed on her hoodie.

"Y/N I-" My eyes landed on her teary face. A frown appeared on my face involuntarily.

"Senpai let's talk some other time. I am not in the state to hold a conversation" She barely managed to utter.

"Okay. Just take this and let's talk tomorrow" I handed her the bouquet and let go of her, respecting her space.

She gave me week nod as she held the flowers and walked inside her apartment, closing the door.

I sighed and walked back into my empty apartment. Mom and dad were out for work so I was the only one home. I boiled instant ramen for dinner and finished the assignments that had deadlines.

Y/N's tear stricken face popped on my mind from time to time. I couldn't concentrate at all. I wonder if she stopped crying?

It was 11 pm, I was on my bed thinking about y/n, wondering about the things that could've made her cry.

In the end I couldn't help myself so I ended up infront of Y/N's apartment. I rang the bell thrice but she didn't open the door. I called her several time but my call didn't go through. She has blocked me since last time.

I had no choice but go inside with the passcode she provided my mom incase of emergency that I somehow ended up memorizing.

I walked inside to see dark. Small whimpers came from Y/N's room. I was to scared to look at her broken.

She was sitting below her window crouched into a ball as moon shone on her. Her eyes were red and so was her nose. The sight broke my heart.

I walked up to her and sat across her as she continued crying. It took her sometime to notice me. 

"S-senpai w-hat a-re you d-doing here?" She tried wiping her tears.

"I am sorry I broke in but I was worried after seeing you earlier. I couldn't help myself but check up on you" I told her softly as I wiped her tears.

"What happened Y/N? why are you crying? " I asked as her tears started appearing again.

"It's nothing senpai" She tried lying as she wiped her tears.

"It's something. You wouldn't cry for nothing" I insisted on knowing the reason behind her sorrow.

"It's nothing" She shook her head as tears continued flowing down her cheeks.

"Okay don't tell me but don't cry" I said as I pulled her into hug to comfort her. She didn't say anything and cried in my arms.

"Who hurt you this bad hmm?" I muttered as I rubbed her  back. It's hurting me to watch her hurt.

" Wakatoshi- san" She cried hugging me tighter.

That Ushiwaka I'll kill him for hurting Y/N.

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