Chapter 18

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Kozume Y/N

After school Yua had usual volleyball practice so I left. It has been so long since I saw my boyfriend so I thought of visiting Toshi-san at his volleyball practice. I don't know why but he barely calls me or even reply my texts. It's like we're drifting apart without realizing.

As I walked inside the volleyball gym, everybody's eyes were on me. Toshi-san gave me a small smile as he walked to me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Just came to see my boyfriend" I smiled as I hugged him. Strangely he didn't hug me back and pulled away really fast. It did hurt my feelings but I tried my best not to show it on my face. 

"Sit there with Mizuki-chan, I'll go back to practice" He said and walked away. I sighed and walked to the bleachers to sit with some arrogant looking girl. She literally glared at me when I tried to conversate with her.

Two hours of practice and all I did was scroll through my phone. I was so bored that I almost ended up falling asleep.

After practice the team had planned to get bubble tea so Toshi-san asked me to tag along. I had no choice but oblige.

Toshi-kun and Tendou-san went to place the order leaving me with the team who definitely didn't want me here. Specially the manager.

All of them were talking among each other while I watched them talk like an idiot. I feel like an alien.

After 20 minutes they came back with drinks. They both placed the drinks on the table and toshi-san sat beside me.

"Chocolate for me" I and Mizuki said and reached for the simultaneously. If it were some normal situation I would've backed off but not this one. I didn't let go of my grip nor she did.

"Say Senpai, who did you buy this chocolate drink for ?" Mizuki asked my boyfriend.

"Y/N, I'll get you another drink. Let Mizuki-chan have this" As these words left my boyfriend's mouth I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"It's fine. I don't want it" I muttered as I let go of the drink and stood up to walk away. If I stay here one more second I will end up bawling.

" Oi Y/N stop" Toshi-kun yanked my arm to stop me.

"It's just a drink. I'll get you another one. Stop acting immature infront of my teammates"  He uttered and I couldn't believe him. The hell is wrong with him.

"What the hell! Immature seriously?" I glared at him.  

"Yes immature. It's just a drink. Why are you acting like this?" He asked me annoyed.

"Well as my boyfriend, you were supposed to back me up not your manager who hates my guts. But  look at you, you told me told back off instead. Am I not supposed to be mad about that?" I tried my best not to cry.

"God Y/N. It's just a drink. Why are you acting all petty? Stop acting immature and let's go back" he sighed as he held my hand.

" No I am not coming. If I am that immature then why are we dating? Get someone more mature" I yanked my arm.

" Maybe I should've" he muttered irritated and tears started flowing down my cheeks. I just stared at him dejected, letting him know I heard that  as I walked away crying.

Here I was crying  about my ex-boyfriend  who called me immature and petty to Oikawa Senpai who patiently listening. He didn't say anything. He pat my head  comforting me.

"Ssh stop crying now. Wasting your tears on that jerk is not worth it" He wiped my tears.

"I am sorry. I messed up your tshirt" I apologized as I pulled back. It was dark but for some reason that wet spot was visible.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry" He smiled at me waving his hand.

"Thank you so much for being here senpai. I feel so much better now" I admitted.

" Anytime" He muttered.

"So do you forgive me for the last time? I swear I didn't mean to lash out on you. It was wrong thing on wrong time. I am really sorry" He explained.

I don't know why but for some reason I was so over it. I know I cried about it four days ago, made up a scene and stuff but I am over it. I am willing to forgive him.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I hope you won't hurt me for second time" I looked up at him.

"Ofcourse not. I will never" He swore. I gave him a small smile and we stayed in silence in the dark.

I don't know how or when I ended up falling asleep but when I opened my eyes it was already morning.  Oikawa Senpai was nowhere to be seen so I just guessed he was back at his apartment.

I freshened up and changed into my uniform before heading to kitchen to grab something for breakfast. 

Tooru senpai was in my kitchen frying some egg wearing his school uniform.

"Y/N-chan good morning. Did you sleep well?" He gave a sparkly smile. I smiled back as I nodded.

"Have a seat. I'll bring  out breakfast" he said and I obliged.

He made eggs and toast for breakfast. Mine had a smiley made with ketchup. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Why is he so cute?

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