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Kozume Y/N

Life hasn't exactly been a fairytale. 

A month after spring Tournament my boyfriend graduated Highschool and left for Tokyo to attend Tokyo university.  It was long distance but we decided to make it work.  It was difficult but we are working on it.

Well there were great times too.

 Our fun little dates, star gazing, waking up in his arm to his kisses.

 Cute little surprises and unlimited amount of love.

 It was all great until I entered the last year of high school.

Two years have passed and I am already a Highschool Senior.  I haven't been that good of a girlfriend to my boyfriend.

 I moved into my Aunt's place Six months ago because 

A. I was lonely
B. Cooking all meals for myself took time and I had to study for University exams.

Since I moved, I have seen my boyfriend just two times. Yes I was bad for doing that but my education is my first priority for now. I want to attend Tokyo University at any cost.

There were times he had time and I didn't or vice-versa. 

This morning I got a acceptance letter from Tokyo University. All my efforts paid off so I am on way to meet my  boyfriend to make up for all the time I've missed with him.

Three hour train ride to Tokyo and I was exhausted.  As soon as I got on the floor his apartment was, loud music greeted my ears. 

Party? this early? it's only 5:30.

I walked inside to see various sorts of people; either wasted or making out with each other.  Typical college party huh?

I walked in looking for my boyfriend.

My eyes landed on him as he was talking with this girl, he called her his "friend" . She has posted different photos with them with misleading captions. He told me not to worry about her but I couldn't help  but the insecurity get me after watching them laugh together.

I know I sound like a crazy girlfriend being insecure about stupid thing but I can't help it. My past experience has left me wounded and no matter how much I try not to think about it, I end up thinking about it.

I turned on my heel and headed back to my home. 

Little did I Know Iwaizumi-San was already there and he watched me leave . 

Oikawa Tooru

Since the application acceptance letters were out today, we had all classes cancelled today. It was a good excuse to party so we all ended up in my apartment drinking this early, partying like animals.

I was with few people of my class drinking and laughing about our professors when I felt a tap on my  shoulder.

"Shittykawa Y/N just ran looking all sad. You should go after her" Iwa-chan said and I got worried.

"What? I didn't see her? Was she sad? Did you talk to her?" I enquired Iwa-chan.

"No I didn't talk to her. You should go" He told me and I nodded standing up.

"Where are you going Oikawa-kun?" Akira; one of my acquaintance asked.

"To make sure my girlfriend is okay" I said and practically ran off to Kozume residence that  is twenty minute walk from here.

Twenty minutes of run and I was standing infront of Kozume residence. Y/N gave me spare key just in case.

I opened the door and ran up to Y/N's room. She was sleeping in her bed with her face covered with her blanket.

"Love" I called out but she didn't move.

I walked up to her bed  and removed the blanket to see her tear struck face along with red nose, indicating she was crying.

"Baby, what happened? why are you crying?" I pulled her into a hug. She didn't say anything as she started crying again.

I just hugged her tighter as she cried.

"Now tell me why you were crying?" I asked her as she stopped crying as we lay on her bed cuddling.

"It's stupid" She muttered softly.

"It's okay. You know I am not judging you for it. Just tell me" I said as I placed a kiss on her temple.

"I-" She hesitated.

"Y/n. We've been together for three years now. You know how much I love you. You know it doesn't matter how stupid it is. Tell me about it. Get it off your heart" I tried assuring her as I played with her fingers.

" I was insecure" She said as she looked away.

"Insecure for what?" I asked her as I made her face me.

"I was insecure you'd fall for someone else and leave me. You looked happy talking to her, you were laughing. It has been months since we last met and I know I haven't been best girlfriend these months so I thought you found someone else and fell out of love just like Ushijima did. I thought maybe there's some problem in " She chortled the words as she tried not to cry.

My heart broke hearing her. I am such a stupid boyfriend. I should be her strength nor her insecurity.

"No baby. You're the only one I love. I can't fall for someone else. I am so in love with you that I can't even bother looking at others. You're the most precious thing in my life and you're the only one that matters. Don't even bring thoughts of me falling out of love. I love you to death and there's no problem in you. You're the most perfect person in my my life and I love you so so so so much" I literally poured all my emotions.

" I am sorry for being the bad boyfriend. I am sorry for not giving you sense of security that made you think I'd leave you for someone else. I am so sorry. I promise you're the only one I love. " I continued.

" No I am sorry for being distant all these months. I am so sorry" She cried as she hugged me, giving me a soft kiss on my collar bone.

"We both made mistakes so that nulls it. Just remember you're the only one I'll love forever" I said and pulled her into a kiss.

As our lips touched, that electrifying feeling flowed through my body. 

"I love you too" She muttered kissing me back passionately.

                                                     \ The end \

Do forgive me if the FF wasn't upto the mark. Back in march I watched Haikyuu and I fell for Oikawa as I saw him in ep 7.  I started reading fanfics about him  and in between I wanted to write a fanfic about him so here we are. 

Thank you so much for investing your precious time.

Anyways I am writing this Kuroo fanfic so I hope you can check that out too .

Until next time. ❤❤✌😊😊

Unexpected Love (Oikawa tooru x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now