Chapter 24

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Kozume Y/N

Two months has already passed since Christmas. Spring tournament starts tomorrow and everyone in the team is doing their best . Tooru Senpai is pushing himself and everyone can clearly see it.

About the the confession, I ended up declining to be his girlfriend but he is still courting me.


I pulled back realizing what I was doing. I was using him to escape my heartbreak and I can't do that cruel thing to him or anyone.

"Senpai. I am sorry. I can't" I looked away not wanting to see his expression. " I just got out of that relationship and truthfully speaking  I haven't moved on fully. It will be wrong to accept your confession right now. I am really sorry" I continued as I bowed down.

"Y/n-chan look at me" He said but I didn't have the courage to face him after rejecting him.

"Y/n please" He called out for me desperately as he gently grabbed me by my shoulder and made me face him.

"I won't lie telling it didn't hurt . Cause it did" I looked at his glistening eyes paying attention to whatever he was saying.

"I don't things my feelings for you can change. I know it's right thing at wrong time so I'll wait. I'll wait until you get over that dumbass and start loving me. I'll wait for you "  He said and I felt my heart tug.

"That's not fair for you. I don't want you to waste your time on me" I shook my head.

"No way spending my time with you is not waste of time. I enjoy spending time with you and I intend to do that in the future " I had a determined look on his face.

"So just let me stay by your side and court you; make you fall in love with me" He added. 

I was in dilemma for sometime but I ended up nodding.

"Can I  please hug you?"  He asked and I walked up to him wrapping my arms around him feeling the warmth in this cold weather.

|flashback end|

I walked to open the door as the doorbell rang. Tooru-Senpai stood there with another container of brownie his mom baked..

"Another one huh?" I laughed as I let him in.

"She's determined to spoil me for some reason" I added as we walked to living area.

"Well She's allowed to spoil her future daughter-in-law" Tooru senpai cheekily grinned and I shook my head. 

"Anyways eat these later. First write something on my shoes" He said as he pulled out the volleyball shoes I got him for Christmas.

"huh?" I titled my head at him in confusion.

"It's just a good luck tradition. I want you to write on mine" He said and handed me a sharpie and his shoes.

"What do I write?" I asked him.

"I don't know? words of cheers?" He shrugged.

I thought about it for a minute before scribbling 

" You'll do amazing Tooru Senpai <3 Y/N"

" Is that  heart I see between our names Y/n-chan?" He was being a drama queen at the moment. " I am so touched" he wiped his non-existent tears.

"Geez stop being dramatic." I shook my head laughing at him.

"I promise we'll win this and make it to Nationals" He said fully determined as he took his shoes back.

"I am sure you will " I smiled at him.

"Say Y/n chan?" He called out for me and I hummed.

"Will you go out with me we make it to Nationals?" he asked as he held my hand.

"I-" I didn't know what to say.

"Give me the answer the day we win" He said as he pulled me closer into an unexpected hug. 

"let me charge up for the tournament" He muttered as I attempted to pull back. 

There days have gone by and it's semi-finals already.

Karasuno vs Aoba Joshai again. One each sets for both of the team. It was final set and no one was backing off. It was too intense out in the court.


We lost the game.

I was happy that Tobio's team won but watching Tooru-Senpai hurt me.

Kindaichi was crying like a baby while Kunimi was expressionless. Yua was trying her best not to shed tears.

Third years showed no emotions either. Tooru senpai was being rather too silent for my liking.

Team was going to eat so I excluded myself. Since going with them without being part of team is rude.

I wanted to talk to Tooru senpai but he had already left.

(Starts after genius and sense ending where tooru and Iwaizumi fist bump and leave)

It was 7:30 and I was waiting for tooru senpai on the stairs of our floor.

Ten minutes later bloodshot eyed Oikawa Tooru gave me a small smile and proceeded to walk to his apartment.

His parents were out again.

He put in the pin and walked inside. I followed him in silence.He walked to his room probably not noticing me.

He plopped inside his bed and faced the wall. All I could see was his back which was rising and falling.

He was crying.

I did what I thought it was best to do. I got inside his blanket wrapped my arms around his, stroking his back to comfort him.

He turned around to face me with his eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you y/n. I failed you. I broke my promise that I would make it to Nationals" he sniffled and my heart broke.

"Don't say that. You did your best and that's all that matter" I wiped his tears.

"I don't know" he cried burying his face in my neck, wrapping his arms around me tightly crying once again.

"Don't cry please" I stroked his back, kissing side of his head.

"I was going to ask you out after we win against shiratorizawa but I guess that not happening anymore. I hate my life" he cried more as he hugged me tighter.

"Senpai look at me" I pulled back, making him face me.

"I was going to say yes no matter what. It doesn't have anything to with you getting to Nationals" I explained and he was in shock.

"You what?" He asked for confirmation.

"I will be your girlfriend. I love you" I said as I leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back cautiously yet passionately pulling me closer to him.

"I love you so so much" he pulled back from the kiss for few seconds before kissing me again.

Ps: This fanfic ends in 1-2 chapters

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