Chapter 1

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Kozume Y/N

"Y/N wake up, we're here" My brother tried to wake me up. I groaned and opened my eyes before stretching and getting out of the car. 

"You still have 2 days before school starts; you can change your mind and we can enroll you in our school" My brother's bestfriend kuroo Tetsurou said as he dragged your luggage into your apartment. 

"No I am good" I said  and opened the door of my room. 

"Will you really be fine Y/N??" My brother asked as he opened the curtain; letting the light inside.

"Yes Kenma, I'll be fine" I tried assuring him.

"That's Onii-san for you" He said as he flicked my forehead. I glared at him but he showed no emotion.

"Whatever" I said and sat on my bed.

"Tell me Y/N, why couldn't go to our school or any other schools in Tokyo" Kuroo-san asked as he sat beside me.

"I just wanted to be independent. You and Kenma always treat me like a baby and I didn't want that in high school" I sighed.

"You could've gone to Fukurodani" Kuroo-san said but I shook my head. 

"There's Bokuto san and I am sure he'll do the same" I reasoned.

"Are you really sure you'll be fine by yourself?? I am worried about you." Kuroo-san asked me and I nodded.

"If  you're that worried, you can always come and visit me during weekends." I pointed out. " Now enough of all this talk, let's go to some restaurant and have some food. I am really hungry" I said and rubbed my stomach.

"Okay let's go" Kuroo-san ruffled my hair and drove us to a restaurant nearby. We ordered tempura and udon.

I and Kuroo-san were talking about random stuff while my brother played game in his psp, totally lost in his own world.

As the food arrived at our table, Kuroo-san snatched Kenma's psp and forced him to eat. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Sometimes, Kuroo-san is really like a mother.

After we were done eating, Kuroo-san and Kenma headed to counter to pay while I excused myself to go washroom.

After I was done with my business; I dried my hand and headed outside where I bumped into someone's chest.

" I am so sorry; I wasn't looking" I bowed apologizing. 

"Then look before you walk" He glared at me. I bowed once again and walked away not wanting to deal with a jerk.

After paying, We had some ice-cream from the convenience store and  headed back to my apartment. Kuroo-san helped me unpack and arrange the house where as my unmotivated ass of a brother continued playing games in his psp.

It was 11 when we decided to call off the day and go to sleep cause I and Kuroo-san were really tired. I slept in my room while Kuroo-san and Kenma crashed in the vacant room next door.

Next morning I woke up to loud and continuous ringing of the doorbell. I groaned and opened the door to reveal my aunt Kageyama Aoi and my half asleep cousin Tobio. 

"Y/N-chan I missed you so much" My aunt said as she pulled me into a big tight hug. "I missed you too auntie" I told her and hug her back. Tobio gave me a nod before he went to the couch and lay on it.

After she pulled back from the hug, my eyes landed on the wall clock which showed 6: 23 am. No wonder I am still tired.

"Where's kenma??" My aunt asked and I pointed towards the vacant room. She walked inside and woke up Kenma and Kuroo-san.

"Tetsurou have some more" My aunt said as she put the food into Kuroo-san's plate. Apparently my aunt made and packed us food. She wanted to meet  and feed us before she leaves for her business trip for next 2 weeks.

"Y/N. eat. look how thin you've become" She said and loaded my plate with food too.

After breakfast, She hugged us for one last time before leaving for the trip. Short after our aunt left, Kenma and Kuroo-san were leaving too. School starts from tomorrow so they have to be in Tokyo.

My brother and his best friend told me to take care of myself and hugged me before leaving with Kuroo-san's car.

I and tobio had nothing better to do so we decided to hangout around instead. We played some games in arcade, ate lots of food, played volleyball before parting ways.

"Text me if you need anything" Tobio said as he walked away.

It was already 9 when tobio dropped me home so I took a shower and placed my uniform out of my closet before laying on my bed and scrolling through social media, eventually falling asleep.

Next morning my alarm rang exactly at 7 and after snoozing for numerous time, I managed to get out of the bed at 7: 50. I freshened up and changed into my uniform and then had some smoothie and left over eggs from yesterday before heading to school.

Exactly at 8: 27 I reached at the gate of the high school I was attending for next 3 years; Aoba Johsai. 

It was orientation day so we were briefed about the school and the classes by the teachers. Then we were separated into group of 4 and a senior showed us around school and clubs. My group had two guys Yūtarō Kindaichi, Kunimi Akira, me and a girl called Nakamura Yua and we had a senior called Iwaizumi Hajime.

He showed us around different spots of school and different clubs, explaining everything in brief.

"Imaizumi Senpai, what club are you in?" Yua asked the senpai.

"Volleyball club" He calmly said as he opened the door of one the rooms in the gym.

"This is the volleyball club. If you're interested we're having try outs in a week" He told the boys. "You can apply for manager if you want" He turned to Yua and I. 

"Iwa-chan who are these pretty girls" A guy came towards us as he placed his hand on senpai's shoulder.

"Kids from 1st year" Iwaizumi senpai told him.

"I am Oikawa tooru. Captain of the school's volleyball team" He introduced himself waving at us.

 Captain of the school's volleyball team" He introduced himself waving at us

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I don't know why but the smile sounded like trouble. Have I met this guy before???

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