Chapter 21

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Oikawa Tooru

As soon as she hug me and cried her heart out my heart broke watching her in pain.  I want to beat up Ushiwaka for hurting her. How dare he hurt someone so precious.

Gods knows after how long, Y/N finally stopped crying. She pulled back from the hug and I felt cold embracing me.

"Senpai Thank you so much for being there for me" She tried forcing a smile but I know better.

"Let's go home. I'll brew you some tea so you can rest" I said as we climbed up the stairs.

"Thank you for the offer but I really want to go to sleep now" She said as she opened her apartment.

"Okay then. Rest well. I will see you tomorrow" I gave her a short hug before she went inside.

I was on my bed staring at the ceiling. Y/N's hurt face kept flashing before my face refraining me from sleeping.  

I don't know how but I ended up sleeping after midnight.

Next morning Y/N didn't look any better. Her eyes were still red and she looked exhausted. She gave me a fake smile to let me know she was alright but I knew better.

"You don't have to force yourself to be okay. It's okay not to be okay" I told her as we walked to school. 

She just nodded and continued walking.

I couldn't concentrate the whole day. Y/N's sad face from this morning kept popping on my mind.  Seeing her sad makes me sadder. love is definitely a strange thing.

"Hey Iwa-chan what would you to do make the sad person happy?" I asked Iwaizumi who was concentrating in class.

"Why is Y/N sad?" He asked without averting his gaze from teacher.

"I never said It was Y/N. Why are you assuming?" I ended up in defensive mode.

"Well judging from your shitty personality, you're not someone who'd think this much to make anyone happy unless you like them so much" Iwa-chan concluded and I couldn't disagree.

"Yes you're right and she is sad because she broke up with that Ushiwaka so I want help her feel better" I told him.

"Aren't you dancing on the chance. I am sure you have other intentions" Iwa-chan sneered

"What? No!. It's true that I have romantic feelings for Y/N and I do want her to look at my way but not like this. My intentions are pure, I want her to be genuinely happy" I crossed my arm at Iwa-chan, feeling offended.

"Shittykawa actually wants someone to feel happy and that too without any other intentions. Definitely a news for me" Hajime clicked his tongue and I wanted to beat him up.

"Yes. Now give me some ideas" I tried holding my anger.

"Figure it out yourself" He shrugged leaving me frustrated by myself.

It was lunch but Y/N wasn't in cafeteria so I walked up to her class.  Yua was accompanying Y/N while munching some chips. I texted Yua and made her walk out of the class.

"Senpai? Why are you here? You could've just called me instead of texting" Yua said as I brought her two classes away so Y/N wouldn't hear us.

"Did Y/N eat? Was she sad during class? Did she sleep all time? Did she cry?" I bombarded Yua with questions.

"No. Yes. Yes. Kinda" She answered me.

"Why are you asking me this? You could just tell Y/N? Wait-" She stopped and looked like she had some self realization like buddha.

"You like Y/N? So you're looking after her" She concluded. I didn't know if I should admit about my feelings or not so I just stayed silent.

"I ship" She jumped like maniac almost giving me a heart attack.

"Um what?" I asked her feeling confused from her words.

"I ship you and Y/n. You two make a better couple" She said and I blushed.

"Um" I cleared my throat to let of my flustered-ness.  "Anyways. Give this to Y/N and make sure she ate them" I handed her the milk-bread and chocolate milk I brought earlier.

"Huh? You should give her yourself. She'll appreciate it" Yua stated but I shook my head.

"It's better to watch from far. What if she things I have other intentions. I mean I do but I don't. Ugh!!! Why is this frustrating" I groaned in annoyance.

"Eh! Senpai. You think so much. I am sure she doesn't think that. Anyways I'll make sure Y/N eat so you eat too. See you later at practice" She waved as she ran into her classroom.

By the end of lunch Yua sent me a short video of Y/N sipping on the chocolate milk and empty wrapper of milk-bread with a text 'Your precious ate so don't stress anymore' . I couldn't help but felt relieved.

After lunch ; classes resumed as per the schedule. I ended up dozing off instead.

After school as usual I was on my way to Practice. I opened the gym and walked inside to see Y/N and Yua sitting by the bleachers and talking to themselves.

"Oh! Senpai you came by to tell coach you couldn't attend the practice today? I will tell him. How about walking back with Y/n?" Yua winked at me. Wut?

"I- what? huh?" I was confused.

"Senpai you texted me you were sore so you were going to rest" Yua trailed off. She walked up to me and shot me glare before " Play along and sail my ship. Go take Y/N home and shoot your shot" She practically ordered me.

"Ah! Right!" I played along. " I will see you tomorrow then" I told her as I walked to Y/N.

"Let's go Y/N-chan" I took her and practically dragged her away. I could hear Yua screaming in the gym about 'her ship sailing off' and stuff . 

I didn't want Y/N to think of me as someone weirdo making move on her after she just broke it off so I fastened my pace bring her along with me. 

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