Chapter 11

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Kozume Y/N

"So what are we watching?" Oikawa Senpai comfortably sat beside me. 

"Did you actually lost your key or is it another attempt to crash our date?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"No ways" He nervously laughed making me raise my eyebrow in suspicion. I stared at him for few seconds because resuming the movie. 

In the middle of movie I felt Oikawa Senpai moving closer and closer to the point that I could feel his breathe my neck. I tried pushing him away but he was clutching on me as if he life depended of it.

"Senpai move" I pushed him but He didn't let go.

"I'm scared of horror movies" He mumbled but I managed to catch it.

After the movie ended I was damn sleepy. It was 1: 27 am. 

"Oikawa senpai you take the couch while Toshi-san can sleep in my room"  I announced and  Toshi-san nodded.

"What? No! I am coming with you guys. What if the ghost comes and kills me" Oikawa senpai said petrified. I was too tired to even argue with him.

"Whatever" I said and walked to my room while the guys followed me. 

I am using two futon as a bed so I lay both them on the ground making a big bed. I slept in the corner, Toshi-san in the middle and Oikawa Senpai in the other corner. I snuggled closer to my boyfriend inhaling his scent and fell asleep.

Next morning I woke up to birds chirping. I was too lazy to open my eyes. I moved to the side and Toshi-san wrapped his hand around me. I snuggled closer and buried my face in his chest. The smell of wood and mint filled my nostrils. What? Wood and mint? Wakatoshi-kun doesn't smell like that???

I opened my eyes and met Oikawa Senpai's eyes. "Ohayo Y/N-chan" He said with deep voice and smiled at me. Out of nowhere my heart started beating like a bullet train.

I pushed him away and stood up before hurriedly walking into bathroom. Shit heart! Stop beating!!

I walked out the bathroom to smell of pancakes. I walked into kitchen to see Oikawa Senpai cooking pancakes. My heart was still giddy from the scene earlier. Get a grip Y/n, You have a boyfriend.

Just as I thought of Wakatoshi-san, He walked inside. "Good morning" He greeted me as he pulled me into hug. I don't know why but I got a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Breakfast's ready" Oikawa Senpai announced as he brought the plate full of pancakes and maple syrup in the living room.

Three of us sat in the living room and ate the breakfast. "How is it?" Senpai asked me and I nodded, telling him it was delicious. "It's actually tasty" My boyfriend complimented him but the complex-ass-senpai ended up retorting at my boyfriend. 

 After breakfast Toshi-san had to leave because he had volleyball practice. I couldn't but feel sad.  After clinging and whining  at him for half an hour he convinced me to finally let him go with a heavy heart.

 Oikawa Senpai was still hanging at my apartment switching through the channels in the TV.  "Did you call the locksmith?" I asked him as I plopped on the couch next to him.

"Uhh!! Yes.. I did. He's busy. He'll be here by 7 in the evening" He answered me as he continued switching through the channels.

"And You'll be here till 7 " I stated and he nodded. I just sighed and snatched the remote from his hand.

"Why are you sighing? I am not that bad to hang out with Y'know" He said as he moved closer. His wood and mint scent filled my nose making me recall the thing that happened in the morning making me go all red.

I pushed him and stared at the TV.

I watched the remaining episodes of the drama I was currently watching while Oikawa Senpai complained how corny it was and how we should watch volleyball matches instead. It was 2 pm and I was getting slightly hungry.

"Oikawa Senpai Order some pizza" I nudged him as he was playing with his phone.

"Call me Tooru-Senpai then I might consider ordering" He said and I rolled my eyes. 

"I'll do it myself then" I said and reached my phone but he snatched it.

"Give it back" I glared at him but he smiled cheekily.

"Say Tooru-senpai please give me. " 

"Why do you want me to call you by your first name? We're not even close" I pointed.

"I want to get close to you" He said in all seriousness making me freeze at the spot.

"Fine!" I gave in. " Tooru-Senpai give me my phone and order some pizza please. I am really hungry" I said and he smiled in victory.

"Sure thing" He said and gave back my phone and ordered pizza for both of us.

After lunch he suggested we both should play Kenma's video games that was lying with my movie collection. I had nothing better to do so I agreed.

We were playing Fortnite and I was leading the game (Idk about games sorry) until Tooru-Senpai started messing up with me. He started moving my console making me loose the game.  

We played another round and this time he literally snatched my console while he played with his own. I tried getting my console back which lead us to uncomfortable position. I was literally hovering over him while he placed the console on the ground.

I was about to grab my console when he grabbed me by the waist making me unable to move. He stared at my eyes and looked at me with a unreadable expression. For some weird reason I was blushing.

I pulled myself out of his grasp and stood up walking inside my room to cool myself. I took long breathe and tried cooling my self. 

In the process my eyes landed on the futon on the ground. Something was shining brightly. I walked up to it  and picked it to see a Key with a key chain that read 'Tooru'. 

I stared at the key in disbelief and walked back to living room fuming. I stood in front of him and stared at him for few seconds.

"What happened?" He asked me innocently.

I showed him the key and his eyes widened. I could tell from his facial expression that he also knew he is in deep trouble.

A/N: I am so sorry. I was supposed to post this chapter yesterday on Tooru's birthday but my wifi wasn't working for last 3 days :(. Anyways Happy birthday to my baby (belated).

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