Chapter 19

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Kozume Y/N

After breakfast I and Tooru Senpai left for school. We had time so we both were taking our time to walk to school.

"You're so small" Tooru senpai uttered out of no where.

"Where did that come from?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Out of Oikawa Tooru's book of facts" he laughed randomly mentioning some non existent book.

"Yeah sure" I rolled my eyes.

"It's true tho. See you literally end at my chest" he said as he pulled me into hug randomly. My heart started beating uncontrollably at this random skinship.

I pulled back flustered.

"I am not small. It's just that you're too tall" I countered as I tried my best to hide my blush.

"Yeah sure" he laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Oi Senpai don't ruin my hair." I glared at him.

"You know, you call me informally. I mean we guys are close enough right" he trailed off.

I guess we are.

"So what do you want me to call you? Tooru-san? Tooru-chan? Tooru-kun? Hmm?? Or should I just call you tooru??" I teased him.

I guess he expected that I would deny so he was all red.

"I changed my mind. Call me tooru-senpai only" he muttered. " I will die of heart attack if I hear those names from your mouth" he added but I could hear him.

"Okayy" I laughed as we got inside the school's premises.

"See you later then Y/N-chan" he smiled at me and ruffled my hair for second time.

"Okay tooru-kun, see you later" I teased him as we parted ways.

Little did I know Oikawa tooru was clenching his heart at the end of corridor because he couldn't handle the nickname.

Classes were nothing special. I ended up taking naps in the classes where teachers would not really care.

It was finally lunch. I and Yua hurriedly headed to Cafeteria to get food. Apparently naps makes you double hungry than you're originally supposed to be.

I and Yua were looking for empty table when kindaichi yelled for us.

We both walked to the table where he was sitting with Kunimi and rest of team.

Oikawa senpai waved at me as we walked to the table.

"Hi tooru-kun" I waved back as I sat across him. Yes, I intentionally decided to tease him. He grew read hearing it.

"Tooru-kun?" Yua gave me the 'are you crazy look'.

"Tooru Senpai said he doesn't believe in seniority and stuff. You can call him that too if you want" I told yua not breaking my eye contact with Tooru-Senpai.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn't have to check to see who it was. I didn't want to ruin my mood so I ended up ignoring it instead.

"Really Senpai??" Kindaichi asked him and I couldn't help but laugh when Oikawa senpai made an awkward face while nodding at Kindaichi.

"Okay then. I'll call you Tooru-kun too" kindaichi said earning a glare.

"No freaking ways. Call me Senpai as you used to." Oikawa Senpai scolded poor kindaichi.

"You too y/n-chan. No more Tooru-kun" he said trying to sound persistent.

"Okay I won't call you Tooru-kun anymore." I said sounding serious. "Tooru-chan it is then" I laughed teasing him.

After fun lunch, the classes resumed as usual. After school Yua invited me to watch the practice  match taking place in Seijoh today. I had nothing better to do so I ended up agreeing.

I walked to gym with Yua. The opposing team was yet to arrive so the team members were playing by themselves to warm up.

"Oh! Y/N-chan" Oikawa Senpai said as his gaze landed on me. He walked up to the bleachers where I was standing.

"You came to watch?" He asked me the obvious.

"No. I came to dance tooru-chan" I countered savagely.

"Y/N stoppp" he whined about nickname and I tempted to use it more.

But before I could tease him about it, the opposing team entered the gym.

"See you after our win" he winked as he walked back to the team.

The game started and our team was leading. Watching Oikawa-San always gives me goosebumps. His serves are just of this world.

No matter how much I watch I swear I will never get used to it.

Since it was a practice match, they played 8 sets in which they ended up winning 6 of them. I was beyond impressed.

They are were lying on the floor because of exhaustion after the opposing team left.

It was 8:30 so coaches left.

"Guys get up already. It's already late. You still have to go home" Yua helped the members stand up acting like the responsible manager she was.

I also helped her by passing the water to the members.

I helped Oikawa senpai stand up and handed him the water aswell. He muttered a small thanks before hastily gulping water.

20 minutes later we all left school. We all parted ways and right now I was walking with Tooru Senpai and Iwaizumi senpai.

"See you tomorrow Shittykawa, Y/N-chan" Iwaizumi senpai waved as he walked in the direction of his house.

"Do you want to stop by convince store? I am really craving milkbread" Tooru senpai asked and I agreed. I want something to eat aswell.

I got chips and a box of strawberry milk while tooru-senpai got himself milkbread and soda. We took our time eating and goofing around in the convince store. Well I goofed around and teased him mostly.

"Should we leave?" He asked me and I nodded as I collected my trash to throw.

"Should I throw you too since you're Trashykawa according to Iwaizumi Senpai?" I laughed and he gave me the 'hurt' look. Guess I went a bit overboard.

"You're so mean. I don't know why you're targeting me since this morning" He sighed as we walked out of the store.

"I want to stop but for some reason It's too fun to watch you react. I can't stop" I poked my tongue at him as I ran to Our apartment complex.

I was running without watching so I ended up bumping into someone.

"I'm sor-" I stopped midsentence as I realized who it was; Ushijima Wakatoshi and for some reason he looked annoyed.

Unexpected Love (Oikawa tooru x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now