Chapter 6

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Kozume Y/N

"Cheating on Toshi-san with Tobio? Senpai you're misunderstanding something" I told him and he waited for me to elaborate.

"Kageyama tobio is my cousin" I told him and he looked at me in disbelief.

"You don't even have the same surname" He pointed.

"He's son of my Father's sister" I answered.

"Whatever" He said and started walking away. I followed behind him but he kept on speeding up and suddenly ended up tripping on the road.

My eyes widened at the sight so I ran up to him to help. I  extended my hand so that I could support him but he pushed it and tried standing up on his own. Failing miserably.

"Senpai Just take my hand" I said and extended my arm once again which brushed off, again. I couldn't help but grit my teeth in irritation.

"I don't know what problem you have with me but put it aside for now. You can't even stand up on your own so hold my hand and let me help you" I said and opened my palm for him to grab it. 

He stared at my hand for a minute before sighing and grabbing it. I helped him stand up and supported him by putting his hand on my shoulder.

We walked to our building and I slowly and steadily helped him climb up the stairs. He opened the door of his apartment only to be greeted by darkness. He switched on the light and I guided him to the living room.

I made him sit on the couch and took a deep breathe. Bringing him here was really tiring. My eyes landed on the note that was sticking on the coffee table which read " Tooru we're going to states to visit your older sister. Take care of yourself and eat well."

"Senpai where's the first aid kit?" I asked him as my eyes landed on his bleeding knee and swollen ankle.

"Bathroom. Second drawer on the right" He said and I nodded.  I walked to the bathroom and got the first aid kit.

I cleaned his wound and put on the band-aid and sprayed some pain relief on his ankle before wrapping it with bandage. I have attended summer school about first aid so I know the basics.

"Thank you" He mumbled  and I nodded.

He tried standing up but ended up landing back on the sofa. I took his and hand put him around my shoulder. 

"Where to?" I asked.

"Straight and right" He said and I nodded before bringing him there. He opened the door and I walked him inside before settling him on his bed.

"Can you grab any tshirt and shorts from the closet?" He said and I nodded. I walked to his closet before grabbing random clothes and handing him.

He lifted his t-shirt and  a well defined torso came into my sight. I couldn't help but blush. 

"Will you watch me change?" He raised his eyebrow smirking at me. I shook my head and walked out of his room closing the door.

After waiting for next 15 minutes; I was about to knock but I heard a thud so I barged inside. Oikawa senpai was on the floor with a pained expression. I helped him stand up and made him sit on the back.

"Does it hurt a lot? Do you want painkillers??" I asked him and he simply nodded with eyes closed.

I went to kitchen and cooked him porridge so he could eat it before eating painkiller. After 10 minutes my porridge was done so I took it to his room.

"Senpai. Eat this" I said and he opened his eyes. I handed him the bowl and he sighed before eating some.

After he was done eating, I gave him painkiller. I tucked him in his bed and switched off the light before exiting his room. I was planning to go home but what if he needs something in the middle of night? So I ended up staying there.

I had the remaining porridge as dinner and lay on the couch of his living room. I woke up to someone's hand brushing against mine. I am a light sleeper so I wake to every small things. I opened my eyes to see Oikawa senpai staring down at me as he put a blanket on me.

"How is your foot?" I asked him and my eyes landed on clock which showed 7:02.

" It's better than yesterday. There is pain but not unbearable" He said and sat on the empty space on the couch.

"I am glad" I said and smiled at him. He stared at me for few seconds before breaking the eye-contact and looking away.

"Let me cook breakfast for you. You must be hungry" I said and stood up but he grabbed my hand stopping me.

"It's okay. You don't have to. I'll have cereals" He said making me sit back on the couch. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"I'll go and freshen up to get ready for school" I said and he nodded. 

"Y/n Thank you" He mumbled as I walked towards the gate.

"It's not a problem senpai" I said and smiled before walking away.

I freshened up, changed into my uniform and made some pancakes for breakfast. After having breakfast, I packed some for Oikawa senpai and walked to his apartment.

I walked inside and saw him eating cereals for breakfast. "Senpai some of these too" I said and placed the plate of pancakes on the table.

"You didn't have to" He mumbled but I just shook my head and gestured him to eat. 

"Do you have maple syrup? or should I bring mine? " I asked as I didn't saw any sauces/ syrups on the dining table.

"It's in that cabinet" He said and pointed at a drawer. I nodded and got him some syrup and poured in on the pancake. I sat on the table and watched him eat.

"Y/N if you don't hurry, you'll be late" He said as he continued eating the pancakes. I checked my phone and saw it was already 8: 13. 

"I'll see you after school then senpai. Take some rest" I said and hurriedly stood up.

"Okay. Have a good day" He said and gave me a small smile. For the first time Oikawa Senpai was actually smiling at me instead of glaring. I couldn't help but feel happy at the fact.

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