Chapter 13

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Kozume Y/N

"Will you come and watch the Inter-high??"Tobio asked me. 

"Depends whether I have classes or not" I answered him.

"What about your boyfriends? Are you going to watch him play??' He asked me.

"Yeah" I said and Tobio gave me look of betrayal.

"Before you start sulking. Let me tell you his match starts at 5 so it's after school that too on Friday" I stated.

"We also have match at 2 on Friday, You have to come and I am not not hearing anything" Tobio said and closed his ears with his hands. I sighed and nodded, giving in.

It is Thursday evening . I am in room studying for a change. Tobio texted me in the afternoon telling me that his his team won the first match and reminding me to come and watch the game tomorrow.

Apparently our school also has match tomorrow so Yua is leaving with team after lunch. I asked her if she could take me along. She asked the coach and he agreed. 

My doorbell rang and I opened the door to see Tooru Senpai. He has been this weird since last week. Like he always drops by after practice and stays in my apartment for good amount of time before going back to his.

"I heard from Yua-chan that you're coming with us tomorrow" He asked as he comfortably sat on my couch.

"Yeah. I have to be there for Tobio's match  else he'll sulk forever" I sighed as I sat next to me.

"Are you going to leave after Tobio chan's match?" He questioned.

"No! Toshi-kun has match at five so I'll be staying to cheer for him" I said and he frowned.

"What about me?  For our school?? Won't you cheer for me???" He pouted.

"I guess I will?" I answered/ more like questioned.

"Good" He said satisfied. 

" So If our team wins, will you reward me with a kiss??" He added. This is the other weird thing. I don't know why and when but he became flirty around me. He randomly flirts and brings up things making me uncomfortable honestly.

"Senpai Do you like me or something? I have noticed, you've been flirty around me recently. " I blurted.

"What if I do?" He asked in a rare serious tone.

"I- I  have a boyfriend" I stuttered at the confession.

"I don't really care about that. " He said and I didn't know how to react.

"Guess I make it awkward. Do consider my feelings though" He gave me a small grin and walked away leaving me in daze.

Consider his feelings? Why would I do that?? I have a boyfriend!!.
Ugh!!!! Why didn't I tell him that. Why did I stay silent!!! Ughhhhhh

Next day as soon as the bell rang Yua dragged  me to the parking lot. It was 1 pm and it takes 45 minutes to get there. The whole team was already there. Yua was doing her manager duties while I was standing like a awkward potato.

After Yua was done with her checklist, everyone got in the bus. Yua sat with coach to discuss things while I walked to last row to sit by the window. 

Tooru Senpai sat next to me  but he didn't talk. It was as if he changed into someone else. Not wanting to bother I let him be.

We arrived at 2: 10. I left the team and ran to hall one to watch Tobio's match. I hope he doesn't get that  mad.

The mad had already started when I reached there. Karasuno was leading the game. The game was getting interesting as it progressed. Karasuno ended up winning the both first set and second set.

The game ended and both teams left after shaking hands. I ran to Karasuno to congratulate them and show Tobio my face else he'd end up whining.

"Tobio~" I shouted as their team were exiting the arena. 

"Y/N did you watch our match" Hinata came jumping to me like a child. I nodded and smiled at him.

"You guys did great" I told the team and they muttered bunch of thank you. 

"You're staying?" Tobio asked me and I nodded. 

"Okay then I'll see you tomorrow. You better not be late tomorrow" He said and I rolled my eyes waving him off.

I went back to Arena to see the volleyball members warming up. 

"Oikawa-san good luck"One of the girl from our school yelled with a shrilling voice and Tooru Senpai winked at her. Talk about being playboy. Yesterday he was flirting me, telling me he liked me and stuff (not that i care) and today he is going all winky wonky at his fangirl. Tsk!!

The match started and our school ended up winning the both sets with score 25-12 and 25-14.  Well our school's volleyball team has got skills, what else can I say.

Shiratorizawa's match against Ohgiminami High still has an hour left so I am thinking to get something to eat at the stalls they've set up here for hungry people like me.

I got myself a strawberry milkshake and walked through the hallways to get to the stadium when some closed my mouth and pulled me. I dropped the shake and  as survival instinct, I elbowed the predator and he let go of me. I was about to give him a flying kick but I stopped in midway when I saw who the actual predator was, Oikawa Tooru.

"What the fuck! You gave me a heart attack"I screamed at him. 

"I am sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" He apologized and I glared at him.

"What did you want anyways??" I inquired

"I won the match" He stated happily.

"Yeah! I saw. Congratulations" I congratulated him and was about to leave but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Well I won, so where is my reward?" He said and my eyes widened.

"Hello! Do you want me to spell it out for you? I have a boyfriend!!" I stated totally telling him to back off. But instead of doing so he took my hand and pressed me against the wall. I was about to slap him with my other hand he grabbed it too.

He leaned his face closer to mine and I tried kicking him but he sandwiched my legs between his. He leaned closer and closer and I felt a wet sensation on my forehead.

"Next time it won't be the forehead but your lips instead " He grinned and let go of me and hopping away before disappearing. What the fuck just happened!!

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