Chapter 1: Evicted

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Y/N's POV:

I sit down on my couch with some peanut butter toast and I'm about to turn on the TV when my phone rings. Mom is calling me, I put down my toast and accept the call.

"Hey, Mom!" I answer.

"Hi, Sweetie! Just checking up on you. How are you doing?" Mom asks.

"I'm doing alright, how are you?"

"I'm just fine. I was wondering if you're still working at that commercial place, I haven't heard about anything work-related from you in a while..."

I sigh, I knew this was going to come up eventually, "No... no I'm not. I decided to quit."

"Why? Did something happen? I thought you liked it there."

"I did. But uh, my boss tried to make a move on me so I didn't really feel comfortable working there after that."

"Oh no! That's terrible, that sicko. So, what are you doing for work right now?"

"Nothing. I'm job hunting but I'm currently on unemployment."

"Are you okay financially? You know your father and I will help you out if you need."

"I know Mom, and thanks, but I think I'm alright. I'm getting by."

"Okay, if you say so. But don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it."

"I won't."

"I have to go now, Susan Bury is coming over for coffee!"

"Okay, have fun with Susan. Bye, Mom."

"Bye! Good luck job hunting, any company would be lucky to have you!"

I hang up the phone and take a deep breath. I hate having to basically admit to my mom that I'm failing as an independent person. And yeah, I know my parents are completely willing to help me out but I don't want to give in so easily.

I turn on the TV and finally begin eating my toast. I wonder who looked at bread and was like "let's cook it again" and then toast was created. I want to thank them.

After I finish eating I go on my phone to look for jobs. It's hard finding a job suited for my skill set. Not many places are really looking for someone who knows their way around a computer, because chances are if a company is successful it's because they already have someone who does their editing and whatnot for them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something slide under my door. I pause for a moment, contemplating if this is a trap and I'm about to get kidnapped if I pick up the paper. I pick up the paper cautiously and turn it over to see "Eviction Notice" written in a large font.

"Crap." I whisper to myself. I read over the paper and learn that I'm getting evicted because apparently you need to pay rent every month. Normally I do, but currently, I don't have a job so it's quite difficult. I have until the end of the month which is in... two weeks. I have to find a place to live in two weeks. Wait, this isn't a matter of finding a new apartment, because if I could pay for an apartment I wouldn't be getting evicted. No, this is a matter of finding a place with roommates to move into. Man, I really hate people, I mean, I love people, I'm actually a people person, but living with them and being around people constantly is a bit draining.

I open my laptop and start searching for roommate openings. There's a lot of ads but they all seem... off. One listing says "roommate must be female and hot", I am definitely not contacting them. One ad, however, catches my eye, "Roommate wanted. Three-bedroom apartment, one bedroom available. Apartment currently occupied by two males in their mid-twenties. Contact at" The ad is basic which is a good thing because that means they're probably normal and actually just looking for a roommate. I grew up with a brother so living with boys doesn't really matter to me. I immediately email this Damien dude to see if the apartment is still available.

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