Chapter 16: Another Day

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up just like every other morning; a bang and some yelling.

"Y/N/N! It's Monday! Are you awake?!" Shayne shouts.

"Of course I'm awake!" I shout back.

My door bursts open and I instinctively pull my sheets up to cover myself. I see Shayne rush in in nothing but his boxers and he flops down on my bed next to me. He lays completely still with a stupid smile on his face and I can tell he's trying not laugh.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice a lot more groggy than I expected.

He rolls over on his side so his face is only a few inches away from mine, "I'm saying good morning to my girlfriend." He gently puts his hand under my chin and kisses me softly.

He pulls away and I giggle, "Good morning to you too."

Shayne smiles and pries the covers off me a bit so he can climb under. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him so we're spooning. His bare torso is cold against my back.

"Shayneee you're cold." I whine.

"Warm me up then." He mumbles into my neck.

Damien stands in the doorway and clears his throat, "This is adorable and all but if you guys want me to drive you to the office you need to get up."

"Yeah, Shayne." I say.

Shayne grabs a pillow and puts it over my face. I grab his forearm and try to move it to get the pillow off of me but it's no use, Shayne is a lot stronger than I am. Shayne laughs and tosses the pillow aside. I wrap my arms around his bicep and rest my head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He chuckles.

"I'm cuddling with your arm. I like your arms." I mumble.

He flexes and I laugh. "Okay we actually need to get up now or we are not going to make it to work." Shayne says, gently pulling his arm away from me. He gets out of my bed and I can't help but stare at his figure. He turns to face me and I guess he sees me staring because his cheeks turn a little red.

"Hey, my eyes are up here." He chuckles.

"I know." I smirk.

He laughs and leaves my room to go to his own to get dressed. I get out of bed and quickly get ready for the day.

A little bit later we all pile into Damien's car and he starts the engine.

"So, are y'all telling people you're a couple or what? Just wondering what I can and can't say." Damien says, pulling out onto the street.

"We're not telling the internet. Our friends and people at the office can just kinda find out when they find out." Shayne replies.

"Yeah, we're not going to like, hide it from people, but it's definitely not gonna be some huge announcement." I add.

Damien nods, "Okay great. So I can mention it but not on camera?"

"Yep." Shayne confirms.

We pull up to the office and get out of the vehicle.

"What are you doing today, Y/N?" Damien asks.

"No sketches are being filmed today and I haven't heard about any Smosh Pit videos I'm supposed to be in, so I believe I'm editing." I reply.

"You have a busy schedule don't you?" Damien laughs.

I nod, "Yep! But I like it that way. I'll always have something to do."

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