Chapter 4: Best Roommates Ever

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Y/N's POV: 

I wake up to the sound of an alarm going off, a bang, and then Shayne and Damien yelling.

"Damien are you up?!" Shayne shouts.

"Yeah now shut up!" Damien replies.

"Y/N are you awake?!" Shayne shouts again.

"How could I not be?!" I shout back. So this is how mornings are gonna work... okay. 

I get out of bed and put a bra on underneath of my baggy t-shirt before going out into the kitchen, because ya know, I don't live alone anymore. I walk out and find Shayne standing at the counter with grey sweatpants and no shirt on. When I step into the room he turns slightly to look at me and smiles.

"Goodmorning!" Shayne says.

"Goodmorning to you too. Is that how you guys wake up every morning?" I ask.

"Yep. Every morning for the past two years." Shayne chuckles. He turns around fully with a cup of coffee allowing me to see his full torso. He has chiseled abs, broad shoulders, and overall a very nice body. I force my self to look away so it doesn't look like I'm staring and I go to pour myself a cup of coffee.

"What time do you and Damien go to the office?" I ask.

"Nine. We'll be home around five." He replies. I nod and sit down at the table with him and sip my coffee. I can feel him looking at me like he's studying me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask.

"Oh, uh, no. You're good." He smiles cautiously.

Damien walks out fully dressed and eyes the two of us and our outfits.

"Am I the only one who knows how to fully dress themselves around here? I'll help you out, Shayne you need a shirt, Y/N you need pants." Damien says.

"I'm not pantless. I have shorts on you just can't see them." I laugh.

"Right and I'm definitely wearing a shirt, you just can't see it." Shayne says sarcastically. I playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"Alright well, Shayne we need to leave in fifteen minutes, you're driving." Damien says. Shayne nods and goes to his room.

Fifteen minutes later the boys are heading out the door and I'm making toast.

"See ya Y/N!" Damien waves.

"Have a good day!" Shayne smiles.

I smile and wave back, "Drive safe! I just got you guys as roommates and I can't lose you already."

They both nod and smile before walking out the door. Today is going to be a long day. I have almost nothing to do except for finishing unpacking my stuff. I could organize the cupboards... Maybe I'll apply for a job at Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts, at least then I'll get a paycheck.

Shayne's POV:

"Okay so hear me out," I say to Damien as we drive to work, "Y/N should work at Smosh."

"What?" Damien looks at me quizzically.

"She'd be perfect and she'd fit in so well! She can edit, direct, and act!" I say.

"How do you know this?" Damien asks.

"She told me when I found her old work t-shirt when I was unpacking her stuff. Her last job was working at a film company putting together and editing commercials. She also directed commercials and acted in some of them when an actor couldn't make it. She'd be perfect for Smosh!" I explain.

"I guess it couldn't hurt to add another editor and crew member to the team... The more the merrier." Damien says, giving in.

"So you agree that we should talk to Ian?" I ask, excitedly.

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