Chapter 5: Interview

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Y/N's POV:

Just like yesterday, I wake up to a bang and some yelling.

"Damien, you up?!" Shayne yells.

"Yes sir!" Damien shouts, "Y/N, are you awake?!"

"Yes sir!" I shout back. I practically jump out of bed because I'm excited for today. Ian emailed me back last night and arranged for an interview at ten o'clock this morning. I rush into the bathroom to have a quick shower before the boys. After I step out of the shower I grab my silk robe and throw it on to walk one door over to my room. Shayne is walking out of his room as I come out of the bathroom and he gives me a friendly nod to acknowledge each other's presence. I open up my closet and grab a pair of black pants and a blue shirt, business casual. I do my hair and some light makeup and head out into the kitchen to get some coffee and breakfast.

"Good morning. Why are you dressed?" Damien asks.

"I have an interview today thanks to you two." I smile.

"Hey that's great! I didn't expect it to be so soon." Shayne says.

"Me neither but Ian said he has some time today so we might as well." I say, "I'm going to follow you guys to the building because I have no clue where it is."

"We can just drive you." Damien offers.

"Thanks but it'll easier if I drive myself because then I can just leave after the interview. I wouldn't want to interrupt one of you to take me home." I say.

Shayne nods and hands me a cup of coffee, "Ian is going to love you. I know it."

I smile and sip the coffee, "Thanks."

About half an hour later we lock up the apartment and go out to our cars. Damien and Shayne get into Damien's car and I get into mine. We both pull out onto the street with me following behind them. I follow them all the way to the office and park next to them.

"What time is your interview?" Damien asks as we walk towards the building.

"Ten. I've got about thirty minutes to kill." I reply.

"I'll introduce you to the Smosh Squad!" Shayne says.

I laugh, "Wow I'm meeting the family already."

We enter the building and Damien gives me a hug, "I have to go meet with Mari so I'll see you later. Good luck!"

I hug him back, "Thanks, Damien."

Damien walks away with a smile and Shayne grabs my arm, "Come on, I'll take you to the squad room and you can hang out there until your interview." Shayne holds onto my arm pulling me along all the way to the squad room. We enter the room and there's four other people sitting at desks or on beanbag chairs.

"Hey guys, this is my roommate Y/N." Shayne says and they all turn to look at me. I give them a small wave without saying anything.

"Damn dude, you got a cute girl as your roommate? You didn't tell me that." One of the guys with a cool hat says.

"I told you guys Damien and I got a female roommate." Shayne replies.

"Yeah, but you left out the cute part." The same guy says. I look at Shayne who has a little bit of pink in cheeks. The guy stands up to greet me, "Hi, I'm Keith."

"Nice to meet you, Keith." I smile.

"I feel like I recognize you." One of the girls says and I recognize her too.

"Oh hey... O-Olivia right? I think I ran into the freezer door you had open at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago." I laugh lightly.

"That's right! Did you end up getting a bruise on your head?" Olivia asks.

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