Chapter 11: Date Night

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Y/N's POV:

I start sorting through my clothes in my closet in an attempt to find something suitable to wear on my date with Shayne. I don't normally wear dresses, they're just not my thing, so I don't exactly have many choices. Shayne said to wear "something nice", but what counts as "nice"? I don't want to ask Shayne what he wants me to wear because I feel like that would be weird, so why not ask the middle man, Damien.

I walk out into the main area of the apartment and find Shayne and Damien sitting on the couch watching anime. I clear my throat and they both look up at me and smile.

"What's up, Y/N?" Shayne asks.

"Not much... Damien, can I speak to you for a minute?" I ask.

Damien glances at Shayne quickly before nodding and standing up, "Shayne I'm expecting you fill me in on what I miss when I get back." Damien says pointing a finger at Shayne while following me to my room.

"Yeah yeah." Shayne laughs.

Damien and I enter my room and I shut the door.

"What do you need to talk about?" Damien asks, looking concerned.

I let out a breath, "Do you know where Shayne is planning on taking me? Because I have no clue what to wear or what to expect or what he's expecting and I haven't been on a date in so long and I have no clue what I'm doing so what if he doesn't-"

"Woah, slow down." Damien laughs lightly, "Your date is going to go just fine. It's with Shayne, your roommate Shayne, my best friend Shayne. This isn't some random dude, no pressure to make a good impression because you've already made all your impressions on Shayne, whatever you do will be great."

"Thanks. You're completely right. I don't know why I'm freaking out." I sigh, "But seriously do you know where's he's taking me? What do I wear?"

"I don't want to ruin any surprises he has planned but I can tell you that you should wear a dress." Damien says.

"So you do know." I squint my eyes at him.

"Of course I know." He laughs, "And I know you should wear a dress."

I groan, "I don't do dresses. I think I have like, two. And I don't even know if they fit!"

"I got this." He walks over to my closet and looks at me before opening the door, "May I?"

I nod and he opens my closet and starts sorting through it. I sit on my bed watching him go through all my clothes. He eventually pulls out two dresses and holds them up.

"Okay, I found your dresses!" He pauses and looks at them, "Both of which still have the tags on them?"

"Yeah. I told you I don't do dresses. My mom bought those for me and I've never worn them." I shrug.

He tosses them to me, "Try them on and I'll tell you which one to wear."

He walks over to a corner and stands there facing it so I can change. I take off my shirt and my shorts and slip the dress over my head. I somehow manage to zip myself up. The dress is a royal blue colour, short and tight. It has small sleeves that just barely cover my shoulders. I really don't know why my mom thought I should wear this.

"Okay." I say and Damien turns around. He looks me up and down with an impressed look on his face.

"You look good. You should wear dresses more often, I like it." He smiles, "Okay now put on the other one." He turns back to the corner and I take the dress off and put the other one on. This one is a short black dress with one strap. It has a tight top and flowy-er bottom.

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