Chapter 2: Roommate Application

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Shayne's POV:

My alarm goes off causing my eyes to shoot open before realizing what's happening; morning. I hit my wall which is up against Damien's room.

"You up?!" I yell.

"Yep!" Damien shouts from his room.

I roll out of bed and grab a shirt to put on. I walk into the kitchen and find Damien making coffee.

"Dude, put on some pants." Damien says.

"I will... eventually." I yawn.

I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down at the table across from Damien.

"How do you feel about a female roommate?" Damien asks out of nowhere.

"Uh... That's fine with me, do we have a candidate?" I say, sipping my coffee.

"Yeah, her name's Y/N. We're meeting her for coffee at eleven." Damien replies.

I put down my coffee and look at him, "We are? You didn't consult me about this."

"It'll be fine. I've been texting her, she seems normal." He smiles innocently.

"Fine. I'm assuming you've talked to Ian about leaving at eleven?" I pick up my coffee again and lean back in my chair.

"Yeah, I've got everything sorted out. You just need to get in the car with me." Damien stands up and walks to his room.

As much as I wish Damien would talk to me more before making arrangements, I gotta appreciate him. He's the one who has been doing all this stuff to find a roommate and he's potentially already found a good one so that's great. We've met a few guys already but they all were either aspiring actors with a huge ego or they definitely had stoner vibes or worse, both.

I finish my coffee and go back to my room to put on pants and fix my hair. I look into my mirror and notice that my face is looking quite stubby. Maybe I should shave. I go into the bathroom and shave my beard. I leave my mustache just for fun but then shave it off so I'm completely smooth. I wonder what I'd look like if I shaved my eyebrows... No. Damien knocks on the bathroom door and I walk out so he can go in. I hear buzzing so I can only assume Damien is shaving too. Damien comes out of the bathroom freshly shaven and walks over to the counter to grab his keys.

"Is it my day to drive?" He asks.

I nod, "Yep. I drove yesterday."

He spins his keys around his fingers before we step outside and he locks the door. We go to his car and I get in the passenger's seat.

"So what do you know about this girl?" I ask.

"Uh..." Damien bites his lip as he pulls out onto the street, "Not much."

"You said you were texting her, did you ask any questions?" I open the glove box and grab a mint.

"I just asked why she was interested in the apartment. She said she can't afford to pay rent by herself, like us, so she was interested in becoming our roommate." Damien replies.

"You didn't ask about what she does, how old she is, her criminal record? Nothing? She could be a psychopath!" I say.

"She seemed completely normal." He slows to a stop at a red light and turns to look at me, "Plus, she can't be worse than Mark."

I nod. He's right, no one can be worse than Mark. Mark was our last roommate and we had to kick him out because he never did anything to help out around the apartment, we had to basically harass him to get him to pay rent each month, and he constantly had girls in his room. Having girls over isn't a problem but when it's every single night and I'm pretty sure some of them were being paid, it's a problem.

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