Chapter 9: Interruptions

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Y/N's POV:

"Happy Friday Y/N! I got you an iced coffee." Courtney smiles and walks up to my desk.

"Thanks, Court, you didn't have to do that." I say, taking the coffee.

"It's no problem, after all, it's your month Smosh-aversary!" Courtney says.

"Is it? Hm, I didn't notice." I laugh.

 "So, what are you working on today?" She asks.

"I am editing the latest most annoying kid video." I reply.

"Cool. Well good luck with that, I'll see you later!" Courtney says and starts to walk off.

"See ya!" I smile.

I put on my headphones and start editing. This video is going to take a while to edit because it's longer and a bit complex with the shots. Editing has always been kinda soothing for me. Piecing everything together, adding music, and by the end, you have a finished product that you can actually see. Like proof you've actually been doing something.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Monica smiling at me from her seat next to me.

I take off my headphones and face her, "What's up?".

"Can you read over this one part in the script I'm writing? I don't know if it only makes sense to me because I'm writing it or it actually makes sense." Monica says.

"Yeah, sure." I reply.

Monica turns her computer screen to face me and I read over one of the sections. It's really good, it's always amazed me how creative these people are. Like, how do they come up with these ideas for what to write?

"I think it makes total sense. I like it." I say.

"Awesome, thanks." Monica smiles and turns her computer screen to face her again. I put my headphones back over my ears and get back to editing.

My editing doesn't last very long because I'm interrupted by another tap on my shoulder, this time on the other shoulder though. I turn around to see Ian with a goofy grin on his face. I squint my eyes at him suspiciously and take off my headphones once again.

"Hi?" I say.

"Hi. How are you?" Ian asks.

"Uh, fine. How are you?" I respond.

"Fantastic, thanks for asking. How do you feel about filling in for Courtney in a challenge video?" He asks.

"Where's Courtney? I just saw her a little bit ago." I ask.

"She had to go to a dentist appointment because 'hygiene is important'. She'll be back later. What do you say?" Ian smiles.

"What challenge will I be doing?" I cross my arms.

"A blindfolded taste test to differentiate between brand name and non-brand name food products." Ian explains.

"If it involves food I'm in." I nod and stand up, "I can't promise when this video's going to be done though." I say pointing to my screen.

"That's alright. It's not due to upload until next week." He says.

"It's Friday." I laugh.

"Right... well you have until Wednesday." He pats me on the back and leads me to the studio.

They have a table set up with blindfolds laid out on it. Olivia and Shayne are already in the studio and wave when they see me. The three of us are directed to sit down at the table.

Edit My Feelings ~Shayne x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now